Friday, December 12, 2014

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim asked what the future holds:for Malaysia Najib rob us of our freedom

The trail is too cold now, the reek,the odour, the scent, the stench and the smell are all long gone. So, the police dogs only barks around, not knowing what to follow or where to our country, it is the ruling political dispensation of the day that decides the speed and direction of such high profile probes. Everyone knows why it took so long for this probe to reach even questioning stage. Any amount of questioning now is of no use as all evidences and witnesses would have been taken care of. there are so many criminal cases pending agains tMahather and his cronies with investigations in some cases still going on

‘Only those who have plotted against Anwar need to worry.’

 When opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang helm the federal government

PM  Najib will  become UMNO’s immortal hero how the corrupt  Malaysia public sector is perceived to be. It is this single factor which scares the potential investors away.

Malaysia's longest-serving MP Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah says the country's leadership must be willing to listen to advice. – The Malaysian Insider file pic. December 12, 2014.
Compared to previous royal commission of inquiry (RCI) reports, the report on the RCI on immigrants in Sabah is notably thin and has no appendices, DAP Gelang Patah MP Lim Kit Siang said.Another big scam to fool the people. Look at how the government actors in the photo are putting up fake smiles reading a fake report to fool the people.

Finally, an UMNO guy has got out of the feudalistic mindset and starting to question the leadership. This should be the way to ensure good governance and competent leadership.

Najib Inc is concerned about the government’s alleged slow-motion reforms programme and its inability to kickstart the investment cycle. Najib knows this well. But it would rather shift the blame to someone else.Without mincing words,  Penang Umno leader Khairuddin  said the party has many apple polishers who do not dare question their leaders.It’s strange how sometimes the people we care about the most, are the ones that strike us down and hurt us all too frequently. And it’s even stranger how the ones we pay the least attention to are the ones who are always there to help us. Most of us learn the hard way that more often than not, our love is unrequited, at least by a measure of scale. And nobody can deny the fact that it hurts when realisation slaps you in the face and screams “He/she doesn’t care, bro.” It’s never subtle, and it’s never easy. It’s just a good old case of priorities. Truly, you can’t blame someone because their priorities are different than yours, all you can do is learn from them.

With the economy heading toward uncertainty due to plunging global crude oil prices and a weakening ringgit against the US dollar, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is demanding that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak step up and provide decisive leadership for the country.beginning end-May, hopes and expectations rose and there were some policy pronouncements.Globally, 2015 will be a rocky ride. Growth in the US will be tempered by concerns about the US Federal Reserve increasing interest rates and the consequent impact on global liquidity and risk aversion. The eurozone continues to fester with zero growth and deflation. It is by no means clear that a quantitative easing programme by the European Central Bank will be launched or will be as effective as the US QE programme.

Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim asked what the future holds:for Malaysia Najib rob us of our freedom

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