Two days after Anwar Ibrahim ended a weekend of intense speculation by confirming he will vie for a state assembly seat via the Kajang by-election, the repercussions of the move are being hotly debated among those within and outside his party, PKR.
The main political figures in this drastic move – such as Anwar, Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim and PKR deputy president Azmin Ali – will have to digest different sets of possible consequences for every possible outcome of this by-election.
The ruling BN coalition, especially MCA, and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak will not be exempt from the microscopic focus as their performance in this by-election is bound to affect the dynamics of MCA, and also of Umno.Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani thots Najib loneliness of the long-distance walker will Anwar give his support And so pink papers, generally strident guardians of private sector interests, choose a hushed silence over people interest which would take us back to the antiquities of may 1969;the more recent splurge into reducing theSubsidy . A honeymoon, of course, … Continue reading »The panacea is to consolidate in the face of an ugly enemy. Failing to consolidate and collaborate above party-lines and philosophies is akin to being no different from your enemy. And if that be the case, then Malaysians must brace themselves for greater trials and tribulations.Indeed, the country is facing unprecedented challenges – all of which were not created by God through nature but certainly made by politically wired minds and coiled hearts.Today’s self-assertive culture is all about stating clearly your desires and wants, and expecting to fulfill them. We have allowed ourselves to imagine we have a right to get whatever we want; this creates a sense of entitlement that makes us selfish and self-centred, blurring needs from wants. It is important to define the tipping point at which a want becomes a need and to understand well the reasons for allowing this walkover. We all wish to cater to our needs, but it is essential that we understand what they are and how important these are to us. Sadly, most of our needs are dictated by someone else. We wish to acquire that bigger mansion, that fancy car or those expensive trinkets all in an attempt to outdo others and prove we are no less than anybody else. What a waste! These are precisely the ‘wants’ that masquerade as ‘needs’.“Because in UMNO, no one seems suitable to take over the role of Prime Minister. (Deputy Prime Minister) Muhyiddin (Yassin) is not perceived as being wise enough to step up to the position,” the political analyst told FMT. He pointed out that if Muhyiddin had been seen as a potential candidate, the bloggers would have launched the attack during the UMNO election last year, where there was a legitimate chance of Muhyiddin toppling Najib.For a need to be genuine, it has to rise from within, be a growl within the system, something that is a must for inner happiness, our very growth, or maybe a one-off that fuels the rest of life! Need is not about others, it is about one’s own self. So whereas it is acceptable that many of yesterday’s ‘wants’ are today’s ‘needs’, one has to be cautious and alert enough to recognise the difference. What are the requirements to satisfy, to complete one’s own self? The event lived up to its billing. The expected face-off at the rare instance of Khairy Immediately the atmosphere became electric. For, his criticism of MahathirThe war of words continued That big money and interest from mafia and politicians has turned is well known. There is so much money riding on it that political players have become mere gladiators, who must perform at the beck and call of the powerful. And although it was known to those who have followed the game closely for years, it is only now that the general public, which treats Mahathir as a religion in this country, is getting to know that this incestuous relationship between the players and the cabal of the powerful is not a new phenomenon.But does all this surprise you? If it does, you are naïve. For, the trailers of what and how UMNO is managed and governed by our board has been visible for years and the latest episode was the recent Election fixing scandal where his son control his money himself was listed as one of the key players in the deal along with a bunch of players . Needless to add, almost everyone realises that all those named in the investigation so far are mere pawns.
You probably have heard this before “Nice people finish last” and perhaps have experienced it as well – watching pushy, inconsiderate individuals get the job you wanted or have received the romantic attention of someone you have been pining for. It didn’t seem fair, did it?Psychological studies in this area have been fascinating. They have helped us understand the connect between the ability to lead, when necessary, and the achievement of professional success; taunting us to the ever unanswered question: Do nice guys really finish last in life?If you have observed this rare breed, called ‘nice people’, closely and understood what they had to offer –integrity, compassion, protection, support, passion, & possibly lots more, you’d be confused; why, despite having these attributes, are they simply walked over and cast aside in everyday relationships!Najib is now President of UMNO in his own right. Will it make any difference in terms of his leadership style and performance?As you sow, so shall you reap You require a seed to grow a tree. But if you don’t water it, give it sunlight and manure, it will never grow. The only plant that grows in arid or desert lands is a prickly cactus and you inevitably hurt yourself on its needles while extracting any nourishment from it. The same holds good for relationships. It’s the easiest thing in the world to start a relationship. But there is a huge difference between a ‘relationship’, a ‘flourishing relationship’ and a ‘prickly relationship’ and it all boils down to input=output. A first date, sizzling chemistry, or even an arranged meeting, are the seeds to either a huge tree that will one day give you shade and protection from harsh conditions like harsh sun and rain, give you fruit, give you adventure and excitement as you climb its branches or be just a prickly reminder of a lack of nurturing. There is a saying, ‘As you sow, so shall you reap,’ and nothing could be truer of a relationship. It’s not something that magically grows by itself, stays interesting or becomes exciting only because the seed is sown. A relationship is one of the most important things in our lives yet strangely it’s the one thing we take the most for granted over time. We stop investing in our life partner and see it as a drain to continually give to them, when in actuality you’re the one reaping the rewards of it. You wake up with, sleep with, have children with and share the largest chunk of your journey on this planet with your life partner. How stupid to not make it worth everyone’s while.Look inside an office and you’ll see that you don’t have to be ‘the boss’ to take on a leadership role. If you are one with the most experience in a certain skill, you’ll have, at least in aLook inside an office and you’ll see that you don’t have to be ‘the boss’ to take on a leadership role. If you are one with the most experience in a certain skill, you’ll have, at least in a few key moments, the opportunity to become the ‘leader’ and guide your team. That’s a no brainer right there in Mahathir's Camp in UMNOLook inside an office and you’ll see that you don’t have to be ‘the boss’ to take on a leadership role. If you are one with the most experience in a certain skill,

Utusan launched and announced the “Great” club, it will be invitation-only and is designed to benefit selected wealthiest Malays and Chinese with the strongest links to Mahathir they will receive “bespoke” support from Utusan Utusan launched and announced the “Great” club, it will be invitation-only and is designed to benefit selected wealthiest Malays and Chinese with the strongest links to Mahathir they will receive “bespoke” support from Utusan Utusan will go after anyone liked to Najib so Malays biggest loser in Tanah Melayu Decoding Utusan’s continued attacks on GLCs Dr Mahathir is also said to have pressured Gani and called Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi for a discussion. During the meeting, Dr Mahathir claimed that the AG’s Chambers employed two CIA agents. Ahmad Zahid had agreed to probe into the claim The pace of inquiry is not good. You are still driving in the first gear. that in the meeting with Mahathir, Shafee agreed that the appointment of the MACC committee to clear Gani and Musa was illegal. Why have we become defeatists just because Utusan has done such a brilliant job of covering up this strangely gut-wrenching but simultaneously hilarious loot of our wealth in the name of helping the Malays? Why are we so depressed merely because the world media has turned Malaysia’s image into a toilet seat, thereby fulfilling Mahathirl’s dream first sketched in “An Area of Darkness” ? Away with the frozen frown! We must be sunny and optimistic. Let us look at the positive side and list the great achievements that await us we Malays have, regrettably, forgotten our true strength. Clear evidence has emerged that the inmates are no longer in charge of the asylum but the high and mighty did finally stir. Intervention at nothing less than the Prime Minister’s level was needed to get chaps with long brooms to brush the dust out and use a bit of water in the bathrooms, but admit it — it happened!You probably have heard this before “Nice people finish last” and perhaps have experienced it as well – watching pushy, inconsiderate individuals get the job you wanted or have received the romantic attention…
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