Johari:the turnaround specialist
A tremendous phenomenon of the times is the realization that each one of us has the power to bring about change just by knowing what we want and acting on it! Johari has an interesting point to make. “Nature has a way of bringing about balance. It does not allow too much extreme. So when people became too uncaring and insensitive, Nature balances it by bringing about this change; today it’s in the air, you can feel it!”One of the most heartening things that has happened in recent times is the awakening of Malays. No longer do you see apathetic, deadened eyes that couldn’t care less what happens to another.Malays today care and they do not let go an opportunity to show that they do so. Not just that, they are more than willing to lend a helping hand, to make a difference.This is an era when Malays have started believing in themselves and their power, and that gives them immense confidence. With a cellphone in hand connecting you to rest of the world, you are in a position to voice opinions that matter, take photos which make a difference and record conversations and incidents that could create a national stir. You feel powerful and effective indeed when you break news through twitter or facebook and add your voice to that of millions.“Malays were ashamed to see their own faces in the mirror every morning. They realized if something has to change, it has to change within them. You cannot keep sitting on the fence; at some point you have to jump in there. As parents, as teachers, as workers, we all have to start feeling responsible for the nation and to realize that nothing gets done on its own; one will have to get one’s hands dirty and do the work ourselves.The drains overflowing and nobody paying heed despite several complaints? Call up the newspaper office and you will have the relevant government department beating a path to your front gate the moment the report is published.”However in order for change to be effective and make a difference there has to be a method to it, a logic that needs to be followed. In order to participate in national discourses and public discussions people need to be aware of what’s happening in the country and to introspect what they themselves feel about it. They need to hone their emotional maturity and intelligence. And most importantly, there has to be a clear intention to bring about a positive change.The drains overflowing and nobody paying heed despite several complaints? Call up the newspaper office and you will have the relevant government department beating a path to your front gate the moment the report is published.
The big differentiator today is we Malays know what to do and where to reach out with the various available communication channels. With a million helpless out there, catering to every possibility, you just need the right intention and you are not just connected, but on your way to making a difference!
Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan and Teresa Kok are facing criminal charges of provoking Malay feelings.readmoreJohari:the turnaround specialist to Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan and Teresa Kok Cry hard but don’t cry again for the same reason
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