EC: Existing rules cover 'sex and smut' campaigns
The EC was asked on Umno saying it will 'go below the belt' for Kajang polls.The Election Commission (EC) has been urged to intervene on the “sex and smut” campaign that would be deployed by Umno-BN in the run-up to the Kajang by-election which will see PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim contesting.
When you keep sexuality on a tight leash and under wraps, it is bound to strain at the bit, and natural urges and curiosity find their own outlets, resulting in chaos and lawlessness, in depraved and shocking acts of misogyny and inhumanity. Nirbhaya’s case is only the very minuscule tip of the iceberg. For every Nirbhaya who gets media space, there are hundreds who die unsung, unknown

Ancient India openly celebrated sexuality and indulged an uninhibited expression of it. Where and when did we lose that openness? Psychologist Sudhir Kakar explains in his book, The Indians, that Muslim invaders, and the repression of British colonialism and Victorian morality changed Indian sexual attitudes and made us more wary with regard to selfexpression. With so many taboos attached to it, the subject of sexuality is almost never discussed openly, leading to the repression of one of the most natural urges in human beings. India’s 'Dirty' Grand Old Man, SOILED LEK, claims that “nine-tenths of the violence and unhappiness in this country derives from sexual repression.”In our affluent age, exotic indulgences, such as maintaining a concubine, are on the increase said EC Chairman

For it is the rich who can afford such exotic indulgences. Take the case of China, where concubines have re-emerged as a trend. According to Chinese media reports, young women are increasingly interested in taking on married men as lovers in exchange for a car or an apartment. For the men, it is a status symbol to acquire a concubine, who is as much a commodity as a luxury car or mansion — it is a mark of having acquired high status. Shenzhen near Hong Kong, the world’s largest manufacturing centre and China’s richest economic zone, has acquired the dubious reputation of a “paradise of girls” that attracts Hong Kong men with its “street angels” or prostitutes, and the tempting possibility of easy-to-support mistresses or concubines.
Women from poor villages across China come here not so much to look for a job as to land a rich man who will maintain them as concubines. The practice is so widespread that there are “concubine villages” in Shenzhen that have hundreds of women living in spacious apartments funded by wealthy lovers. These are as near the border as possible, so that rich Chinese men can leave work early, enjoy a rendezvous with their mistress and still get home to their family in time for dinner! It is not uncommon for a man to have two to three such mistresses in separate apartments!
Humans, we are told, are by nature polygamous, and men more so. Experts explain that each human being has three centres of love and emotions — passion, attachment and romance. All three need not be satisfied by the same person at all times, and humans are attracted to new partners in an attempt to fulfill these basic needs. You may enjoy romance with one person, mutual confidences with another, and sex with yet another.
Historically, the world has frowned upon polyandry (one woman with two or more men), while tolerating, if not outright encouraging by legalising, polygyny (one man with multiple sexual partners). In this one aspect, nothing seems to have changed. Even today, a woman entertaining more than one lover at a time will find much less empathy than a man doing the same.

Polygyny is legally permissible in some cultures, while polyandry has never found support. Even in the rarest of rare cases of a woman with more than one man, the husbands have almost always been from the same family, as was the case with Draupadi married to the five Pandavas. This is so because wealth is controlled mostly by men, making it easier for them to run a harem of women rather than the other way round. Also, consider biological factors; men have more to gain with multiple partners than women. Evolutionary biologists say polygamy is good for men, but not so for women. If a woman gets pregnant, a polygamous man can still have sex/children with his other partners, whereas after pregnancy a polyandrous woman cannot satisfy any of her men for quite some time. The practice of polygyny was rampant in the hunter-gatherer and tribal societies from which we evolved. Then, as well as now, it has remained the preserve of the rich and well-established. Monogamy came to be socially imposed in ancient Greece and Rome, and was later actively encouraged by Christianity. Though today Western society frowns upon polygamy, it is still legal in many non-western societies, particularly Islamic and some African countries that allow a man to have multiple partners.
Interestingly, Michael Price from the Psychology Department of Brunel University West London, equates serial monogamists such as Donald Trump and Larry King, who divorce older wives and marry younger women, as polygamists too, since they also monopolise the reproductive years of a number of women. In that sense, all celebrities, stars, prominent sportsmen and business tycoons with a series of women, can be termed polygamists as well!

The Election Commission do you know that it is wrong to frame someone and talk bad about others. I am sure your religion tells you that and I am sure your parents have had told you that when you were a kid. You are a shame to your religion, your parents and family.
Abdul Aziz, only these much you could commented? What a easy job for you. You are washing your hand by saying, "They understand this and nothing much you can comments". What if they broke it like this Maslan fellow. No comments from you. They understand is one matter, purposely breaking it is another matter. Are you getting salary from BN? Please have some decency in your works. Really a stupid EC Chairman!
Abdul Aziz sees the Code of Ethics being violated. As the custodian of the Code of Ethics the least he could do is to censure this deputy finance minister from UMNO for the violation. But no, all he does is to say it is not necessary for him to comment further. It means he condones the violation because he is beholden to you know who.Nobody can deny that urban Kajang and the upper middle class Malays have a somewhat more relaxed attitude towards sexuality. Indeed the Millennial Generation even in Selangor certainly is leap years ahead of the present retarded way of looking at sex. And yet the vast majority remains puritanical and repressed, ensuring sexuality retains its dark, dangerous edge rather than freeing it to reach a level of liberating self-expression; a level where you are allowed to get over it and focus on other things in life, rather than allowing sex to prey on your mind to a fanatical level.
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