Should Mr Sarkozy ban the burqa from France? Definitely not. Because bans are undemocratic and an unqualified attack on individual freedom. Should we however use this opportunity to question the efficacy of the burqa, the chador, the veil or what you will? Definitely yes. Specially since the burqa isn't just another piece of cloth but has a lot of ideological and cultural connotations to it. The French President himself has termed it a symbol of subservience whichShould Mr Sarkozy ban the burqa from France? Definitely not. Because bans are undemocratic and an unqualified attack on individual freedom. Should we however use this opportunity to question the efficacy of the burqa, the chador, the veil or what you will? Definitely yes. Specially since the burqa isn't just another piece of cloth but has a lot of ideological and cultural connotations to it. The French President himself has termed it a symbol of subservience which has no place in a secular state.
Doesn't it have religious connotations, you may also ask? But hey, just let's keep religion out of this. Primarily because, as scholars point out, the Quran makes a mention of modesty rather than the word 'burqa' when it comes to women's apparel. The veil has more a cultural significance in Islam than a theological one. The Quran categorically mentions that "the best garment is the garment of righteousness." (7:26) And rigtheousness may or may not be interpreted as the burqa, depending on the personal choice of the person.
Talking specifically of a dress code, the text holds 'chastity' as mandatory, both for men and for women. A translation of the verses by Dr Rashad Khalifa's states: "Tell the believeing men they shall subdue their eyes (and not stare at the women), and maintain their chastity. And tell the believing women to subdue their eyes and maintain their chastity."
Now chastity is defined as a condition or quality of being pure or chaste. And righteousness is related to ethical conduct. Neither of these terms have a sartorial connection, having more to do to with states of mind and styles of behaviour, rather than a piece of clothing. While the burqa has found fervent advocates amongst its users, there have been strong cries against its proliferation in a progressive, modern world which is fast moving towards gender equality. In an age when men and women are perceived as equal, what exactly is the role of the burqa which well and truly wraps the woman in a cloak of invisibility. Understandably, there have been radical feminist protests against the veil from the Arab world itself. Prominent amongst them being the voice of Nawal El Sa'adawi, feminist and intellectual, who sees the movement for the veil as just another offshoot of the "the age-old patriarchal struggle over women's heads, the fear that they might begin to think and throw off the bonds of slavery, of an inferiority enforced on them in all religions and in all societies...this was an integral part of their struggle to maintain men's control over women, men's control over their minds. This was above all the desire of Islamic fundamentalists to preserve the political power they exercise over society."
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While we would not like to take such a strident position against it, specially when it comes from free will, we would like to wonder why it is important for women to hide themselves when it is possible to dress decently, behave modestly, maintain chastity and be righteous without the veil too. Moreover, in societies -- and circumstances -- where women feel it is easier for them to maintain chastity more than the men, isn't it time to abandon the veil even more. For any prevention against crimes against women does not lie in hiding women from untrustworthy men. The cure lies in moving towards a more gender sensitive society which is only possible if men stop looking at women as objects of gratification. A burqa is no guarantee for that. A healthier intermingling of the sexes and a more open society are the only surefire way of ensuring both modesty and equality.
But bans surely are not the way out Mr Sarkozy. Specially not in a democratic society.
Pride and Prejudice
Here is a funny set with a chick half dress in burka style clothes with the veil over her face but with all her goodies uncovered and fully exposed. Not sure if she is really even an Arab or Muslim but I like to think so because that just make it much hotter. The AK-47 assault rifle and "Arabic Special" written on her belly made this the funniest set of nude pictures ever. Also not sure if this is the complete set so be sure to send in the rest to GutterUncensored@yahoo.com if you have and there might also be a video to go with this so send that in too. We need more of these hot burka, hijab, niqab and tudung nude and sex pictures/videos on this site with chicks in religious garb. LOL... Anyway, send more interesting pictures and videos (of individuals 18 year-old or older) to
France's First Lady Carla Bruni Sarkozy - Latest Nude Pics vs why Mr Sarkozy ban the burqa from France?
France's First Lady Carla Bruni Sarkozy - Latest Nude Pics

It’s always struck me that French President Nicolas Sarkozy knew what he was getting into when he married Carla Bruni. It is either pure stupidity or blind lust. There’s something almost admirable about Carla’s refusal to be embarrassed by her extensive sexual past, and her two decades of bohemian life. Carla never lied about who she was or what she did - and I, for one, appreciate that. She understands that once a whore, always a whore. Just that there higher level and lower whores. The highest level ones go with Presidents and Prime Ministers.
When she was a model, Carla posed nude many, many times. And before she even met Sarkozy, she had a relationship with a married man, Raphael Enthoven. When they broke up, apparently Raphael still had many photographs and videos of Carla - many of them nudes, or perhaps even a few sex tapes. What to do with a sex tape of yourself with an ex? Raphael decided to hand these items over to his brother, Julien. He must have announced to the world when he did this.
Julien’s Paris apartment was just burgled - and the thieves got away with the photographs and the sex tapes. Police are investigating, but people feel strongly that sometime soon, a Carla Bruni sex tape will be leaked. It is strange that the burglar only interest is the sex items, and even stranger that the burglar knew the tape is with Julien.
Yasmine Latiffe No Panty Upskirt At Cannes Film Festival
Source: GutterUncensored.com
Yasmine Latiffe want everyone to know she is not wearing any panties. Here isYasmine Latiffe at the Cannes Film Festival. Yasmin gives everyone a look at her growler spreading her dress like a pair of curtains… its a good thing she didnt spread her beef curtains in the same way. I’d say that French actress Yasmin Latiffe most definitely gave the photographers this upskirt on purpose. See how she carefully pulls her dress away to frame her crotch just so? Those French chicks really know how to do an upskirt. Flashing your goodies uglies on the red carpet is a major no no, but would we really expect anything less from French “actress” Yasmine Lafitte? We might be more forgiving if this was an accidental flash, but the smile on Yasmine’s face (not to mention the lack of undies in a open front dress!) just makes us, well, a little sick. And they say Americans are tacky! I am so sick I want to pay this skank a visit and straighten her out. Here are the pics of Yasmine pantyless upskirt while she flashes her bush. Click on pictures to enlarge.

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