Now look at this super innocent looking chick in these private amateur pics The Grand Prostitute Shannon Teoh a NarcissistPractical Implications from the mother fucker Malaysian Insider’s pantat house fucking her boyfriend Abdul Rahimand tossing salad like a pro. I think her shirt says it best,”NOTHING DRAW. Mimic Celeb Sexy Doll. NOTHING STAKE. ” Now, I don’t know what it means but I am betting she will never wear that top ever again. She has a full bush in some of these pictures however she is partially shaved with smooth labia regions in others so there is something here for everyone

Think of your friendly neighborhood narcissist: status-seeking, grandiose, loud-mouthed, brash and flamboyant. Have you ever noticed how he brags all the time, not only about his astronomical I.Q. and bulging pectoral muscles, but also aboutthe fact that he is narcissistic? It’s as if he is proud of it.Lots of psychologists have theorized that a lack of self-awareness is a hallmark trait of narcissists. My personal experience with narcissists does not seem to support this. It seems to me as though they are not only aware of who they are, but also embrace it.
It is clear that Mr Tan doesn’t really understand the situation in our multireligion society in Malaysia. By saying that Valentines Day would be filled with sinful activities and immoral acts, PAS Youth Chief Nasruddin Hassan is generally viewing Valentine Day from the point of view of Islam. Mr Tan needs to understand that for Muslims, it is sinful even for unmarried couples to be alone together.I would like to express disagreement towards the views expressed by Mr Tan in his post (see below). I feel Mr Tan has poor understanding of Malaysian multiracial and multireligion society and thus leading him to produce such statement.First argument:Quoting his statement “I regret the statement by PAS Youth Chief that implied Valentine’s Day would be filled with sinful activities and immoral acts.”,followed by his other statement “This is clearly a blatant insult to those who celebrate Valentine’s Day in Malaysia. It would indirectly cast doubt over the morality of all those who will celebrate Valentine’s Day.”From these two statements it is clear that Mr Tan doesn’t really understand the situation in our multireligion society in Malaysia. By saying that Valentines Day would be filled with sinful activities and immoral acts, PAS Youth Chief Nasruddin Hassan is generally viewing Valentine Day from the point of view of Islam. Mr Tan needs to understand that for Muslims, it is sinful even for unmarried couples to be alone together. Moreover in Valentines Day where most couples will take opportunity of this day to embrace each other in manners intolerable to Islam or in even worse condition leading to sexual intercourse between unmarried couples.The reason for this is because Islam respect the value of women and the right of men. Value of women where women are to take good care of their chastity and good morality. This is important to ensure the ‘right’ for her ‘future’ husband is fulfilled because it would be unfair for the man to find out that his ‘future’ wife is no longer chaste and had been ‘enjoyed’ by other men due to various reasons, one of it being the reason of ‘love’.The second reason for this is to help prevent further social problems. All of us agree that abortion is immoral because it’s the same as killing a soul with life. Having said this, we also agree to abandon newly born baby due to various factors is even worse. The problem is, Mr Tan, unmarried couples who get involve with sexual intercourse and then leading to the girl being pregnant, the result in most cases of unwanted pregnancy by unmarried couples is either abortion or the baby being born and abandoned. This leads to other social problems which will take another thousand of words to be discussed on so I’ll leave it for now.Second argument:Quoting another sentence from the blog, “PAS Youth must understand the nature of Valentine’s Day with an open mind and do not interpret the celebration with their “narrow mind””Reversely, I would want to plead Mr Tan to view the issue of Valentine’s Day from a ‘bigger’ and not such narrow perspective of celebrating love. We should see the issue of Valentine’s day from a wider perspective of morality, social problems, value of women and the rights of men rather than only talking from the point of view of love. There are bigger implications from Valentine’s day towards social problems and issues of morality rather than just celebrating love. Should this issue not addressed, Malaysia is in danger of being in serious social dilemma like what the United Kingdom is facing.Having the chance to study in the United Kingdom I come to understand, among biggest social problems faced by the UK Government are ‘alcohol consumption’ and ‘teenage pregnancy’. Even modern and developed country like UK is facing problem with teenage pregnancy which impacted them not only socially but also in many other aspects. So, why should us, Malaysia, which is still a developing country, take the issue of ‘teenage pregnancy’ lightly? Hence, Valentine’s day play quite a significant role in contributing to unwanted pregnancy and teenage pregnancy because the day itself is used as a ‘formal’ platform where most teenage lovers will find opportunities to embrace each other.Third argument:Quoting his statement in the post, “Malaysia, a multiracial and religion country, has long been a moderate country and free of extremism.” Being an active politician, Mr Tan should understand that a multiracial and religion country and society consist of people with different views and beliefs. Hence, in order to make decisions we will need to consider people of different beliefs. I would not say things on behalf of other group of people, instead I would refer to this issue from the point of view of Islam.As a nationalist in Malaysia, Mr Tan should understand more than 50 percent of Malaysians are Muslims. The nature and teaching of Islams are such where we prohibit sexual intercourse before getting married. Having said this, it also means all actions directing to sexual intercourse before marriage should be actively discourage. Hence this is why our good Malaysian, Ustaz Nasrudin Hasan Tantawi is initiating a campaign to discourage such activities which happen rampantly during Valentine’s Day.I understand, being a non-muslim, Mr Tan might not comprehend fully the understanding and the preachings of Islam. However, there is no excuse for a politician like Mr Tan to disrespect the rights and beliefs of other group of people, in this case, the Muslims in Malaysia to discourage the celebration of Valentine’s Day as this is our right.Fourth argument:Quoting another statement by Mr Tan: “This latest statement by PAS clearly signify more efforts by PAS (with the support of their partners in Pakatan Rakyat) to create their extreme version of Islamic State in Malaysia.”In my defence of the action, I would like to call upon Mr Tan to understand that what is done by PAS Youth Chief, is not in any sense considered as extremism. Instead we are trying to defend the teachings of Islam and at the same time will be benefiting Malaysia and Malaysian society by helping to prevent social problems from increasing.On the other hand, I would like to point out that to disallow and disrespect others rights, in this case, the Muslims rights to practice the teaching of our religion which is to discourage the celebration of something detrimental to Islam and the society such as Valentine’s Day among Muslims is a sign of extremism itself. So perhaps Mr Tan can reconsider the stance taken by yourself in this issue.Lastly, quoting the last statement from Mr Tan: “PAS must learn to understand the culture of all Malaysians, comprising of various race and religion.”. I would like to kindly urge Mr Tan to learn and try to understand the nature and culture of all Malaysians, comprising of various race and religion because if you do understand, then you’ll know why are Muslims such as Ustaz Nasrudin actively discouraging the celebration of Valentine’s Day. This is a friendly reminder to Mr Tan as it is important for yourself because if you want to develop your career and become successful politician, you will need to fully understand the context of pluralism in Malaysia.Fifth argument:Having done with my arguments rebutting Mr Tan’s post, I would like to point out a statement from our Ustaz Nasrudin quoted from thestar online:“In Penang, PAS youth is working closely with the Islamic Religious Department to check immoral activities among Muslims, he said.”Having said this, this activity of discouraging the celebration of Valentine’s Day only involves the process to check immoral activities among ‘Muslims’. Hence, if Mr Tan wants to celebrate Valentine’s Day, feel free to celebrate. However, I would like to stress, the right to take care and monitor our own beloved brothers and sisters of Islam is still our right and I shall support this noble campaign as a Muslim.Conclusion:The intention of this post is not to undermine any individual but to educate the people as to why do Muslims are against Valentine’s Day. Furthermore, this post is to stress that we should have proper understanding of certain issue to make a fair judgement to it. And to our Muslim friends, we should start educating our non-Muslim friends as to why we discourage the celebration of Valentine’s Day so all of us can have the same understanding. From understanding then only will come tolerance. - http://reveriemalaya.blogspot.com/PAS SHOULD MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS DURING VALENTINE’S DAY – TAN KENG LIANG
I refer to the news report that quote PAS Youth Chief Nasrudin Hassan stating that Pakatan Rakyat states, including Kedah, Penang, Selangor and Kelantan are planning a crackdown on “immoral acts” during Valentine’s Day as part of a campaign to encourage a sin-free lifestyle.It was also reported that Nasrudin said PAS Youth was also launching a campaign to promote a sin-free lifestyle during the period.[ Source: AFP - 9th February, 2011 ]I regret the statement by PAS Youth Chief that implied Valentine’s Day would be filled with sinful activities and immoral acts.This is clearly a blatant insult to those who celebrate Valentine’s Day in Malaysia. It would indirectly cast doubt over the morality of all those who will celebrate Valentine’s Day.PAS Youth must understand the nature of Valentine’s Day with an open mind and do not interpret the celebration with their “narrow mind”.Malaysia, a multiracial and religion country, has long been a moderate country and free of extremism.This latest statement by PAS clearly signify more efforts by PAS (with the support of their partners in Pakatan Rakyat) to create their extreme version of Islamic State in Malaysia.These extreme idealogies of PAS are clearly not acceptable to most people in Malaysia.I would advice PAS, in particular their youth section, to “mind their own business” during the celebration of Valentine’s Day.PAS must learn to understand the culture of all Malaysians, comprising of various race and religion.Thus, I urge Pakatan Rakyat to immediately redraw any plans to undermine the celebration of Valentine’s Day in Pakatan Rakyat states and not to prejudge the morality of those who will celebrate Valentine’s Day. –


Gua Musang Member of Parliament and former Finance minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah has described the latest sex accusation against Anwar Ibrahim as shameful and despicable.
Saying the public would not buy the story following a pornographic clip targeting Anwar released by several UMNO leaders recently, Razaleigh said such acts of humiliating others were neither part of Islamic nor Malay culture.
“I don’t think the people accept this… If we see Anwar’s first case in 1998, the people did not accept. Even after bringing a mattress, pillows, no one believed. I still remember when I made a dialogue session in Gua Musang, the people asked, ‘Is this Malay?’
“So shameful,” said Razaleigh as quoted by TV Selangor.
Razaleigh said those behind the clip were indulging in gutter politics and had smeared the image of the country and the Muslim majority.
“Malaysian are generally civilised and have a good culture, why must we follow bad culture?
“What’s the point of doing such despicable thing in public,” he asked.
Meanwhile, PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hasan Tantawi said the authenticity of the clip was not the issue if the person in the clip was not Anwar as alleged.
His reaction came following a statement by inspector general of police Ismail Omar who said the clip was authentic.
Titiwangsa MP Dr Lo’ Lo Ghazali said she would not accept the IGP’s latest statement because the police had yet to arrest the ‘Datuk T’ trio, comprising of former Melaka chief minister Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik, businessman Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and Perkasa treasurer Shuib Lazim, who confessed to possessing and screening the porn clip.
“If the party involved in playing the porn clip comes from Pakatan Rakyat leadership, imagine the response of the IGP and the police in general” she quipped.
Umno’s latest sex video offensive against Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim in the form of a two-minute snippet(scroll below) is aimed at deflecting public attention from the Pakatan Rakyat campaign in Sarawak, where Anwar himslelf has said he has never “felt this kind of reception and sentiment on the ground” before since leaving jail in 2004.“It is very obvious Umno is desperate. Nazri and Hisham have been tasked to fire the salvos at Anwar. They hope to take the wind from his sails but it won’t work. The Sarawakians are not dumb. They welcome Anwar and Pakatan because he represents hope and a new beginning for their state,” PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.Najib’s WaterlooIndeed, with the help of the Umno media and online news portals, Nazri fired the first salvo, calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry on the sex video that purported showed Anwar having sex with a female prostitute.But perhaps this reflected the disconnect between Umno, its media and the majority of the Malaysian public. If Nazri and Umno hoped to create the impression that they were so confident the man in the video was Anwar, they would be badly mistaken.Many Malaysians actually believe that it might be a good idea to hold an RCI but stressed the terms of reference must be drawn by a parliamentary committee that consisted equal numbers of both government and opposition lawmakers.
“I think Malaysians are fed up of this sort of sex politics. We want to get to the bottom of this video and also send a message to those behind it that we don’t want this sort of thing to keep happening. If Umno is behind it or is seen to be behind this, the RCI will backfire. It will be Najib’s Waterloo,” Ramon Navaratnam, past president of Transparency International, told Malaysia Chronicle.“The RCI must be seen to be fair. The terms of reference must not limit itself to what the government wants to accuse Anwar of but also to probe if there was involvement by government leaders, institutions and the media. Was it Anwar and was it a conspiracy and by whom.”RCI – who will ensure impartiality and fairnessYet, head of interfaith group MCCBCHST Rev Thomas Philips said the most important thing was for the government to lead and be seen to lead in the promotion of healthy lifestyle and culture.He expressed disappointment that past RCI had failed to come up with any conclusive findings including the Lingam Tape hearing. He warned that an RCI could be used as a platform to further smear political rivals and worried that the airing of such sordid details could negatively influence the youth in the country.“There are pros and cons to an RCI. Most importantly, where is the guarantee for impartiality and fairness? We have made our stand very clear. We condemn the use of obscene politics – be it from any quarter – and urge Malaysians to reject such methods. We also question why the sudden focus of sex politics at a time when the Sarawak election is taking place,” Thomas told Malaysia Chronicle.“These are obviously unhealthy examples to set for our young. Do we want young Malaysians to grow up thinking that this sort of politicking is acceptable? Shouldn’t we encourage politics that stimulate and breed noble thoughts and deed for the greater good and betterment of society? I think it is time that society elders make a stand and ask, have we lost our way?”Coincidentally, PKR unveils its candidates listCoincidentally, PKR had on Monday unveiled its list of candidates. Buoyed the warm reception it has received wherever its leaders went, PKR went after 48 seats out of the 71 available in the Sarawak legislative assembly. Nomination is on April 6 and balloting on April 16.PKR will be the Pakatan’s torch-bearer in Sarawak and the party that will take the fight directly into Taib’s den. Most of the seats PKR will contest are in rural and interior regions where Taib has long commanded.As such, it is important for the BN to run down PKR and Anwar as much as possible in the Sarawak polls, which political observers have already called the mother of all battles and predict will be the dirtiest of all elections in local history.“Since 2004, after I left prison, I’ve never felt this kind of reception and sentiment on the ground. There’s this mood of growing acceptance to Pakatan and no one can deny that this is the first time in the history of Sarawak that BN is facing a formidable challenge,” Anwar had told a press conference announcing the candidates’ list today.Snippet edited to show shots that looked like Anwar but not his ‘pot-belly’Nonetheless, fear of Anwar succeeding has spurred his enemies to greater desperate acts. A two-minute snippet of the sex video exposed by three Umno members including former Malacca chief minister Rahim Thamby Chik has started to surface in You Tube.All 3 men were questioned by the police and had already surrendered the tape they held to the authorities. Yet it is obvious that either the police were remiss in their duty or the trio still had copies of their own.It is also telling that on Monday, Home Minister Hishammuddin took great pains to deny that the sex video was plotted by Umno, the BN, the police and his own ministry.But while it may cause sensation, those who got to see the two-minute snippet came away satsified that it was not Anwar, who is much slimmer and older.Some questioned why certain Umno news portals were given leeway to publish stills of the slides that did not show the full picture of the man, and why they intentionally chose the shots that did not show the shape and size of the man’s body more clearly.“Umno supporters had asked me how I could be certain it was not Anwar when I had not watched the video. Today I watched the clip and I have been proven right seeing the shape of the main character and his prominent stomach do not match Anwar,” PKR communications director Nik Nazmi said in a media statement.“As we expected, the video was edited to show only 3 to 4 seconds that the man has a face similar to Anwar Ibrahim’s, but the part where the pot belly was exposed was not included,” said PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli said on Twitter.Other PKR leaders pointed out the involvement of the Umno-controlled media and how all attempts were being made to discredit Anwar.“The way the media is playing it up and which media is playing it up proves that it is an Umno conspiracy. But we won’t be stupid enough to be blown off course. Sarawak will come first and Sarawakians can surely understand what it is like to be always given the short end of the stick after 30 years of bullying by Taib Mahmud. They will understand what oppression means and help us to overthrow the BN,” Tian said.Anda mungkin juga meminati:


Gua Musang Member of Parliament and former Finance minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah has described the latest sex accusation against Anwar Ibrahim as shameful and despicable.
Saying the public would not buy the story following a pornographic clip targeting Anwar released by several UMNO leaders recently, Razaleigh said such acts of humiliating others were neither part of Islamic nor Malay culture.
“I don’t think the people accept this… If we see Anwar’s first case in 1998, the people did not accept. Even after bringing a mattress, pillows, no one believed. I still remember when I made a dialogue session in Gua Musang, the people asked, ‘Is this Malay?’
“So shameful,” said Razaleigh as quoted by TV Selangor.
Razaleigh said those behind the clip were indulging in gutter politics and had smeared the image of the country and the Muslim majority.
“Malaysian are generally civilised and have a good culture, why must we follow bad culture?
“What’s the point of doing such despicable thing in public,” he asked.
Meanwhile, PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hasan Tantawi said the authenticity of the clip was not the issue if the person in the clip was not Anwar as alleged.
His reaction came following a statement by inspector general of police Ismail Omar who said the clip was authentic.
Titiwangsa MP Dr Lo’ Lo Ghazali said she would not accept the IGP’s latest statement because the police had yet to arrest the ‘Datuk T’ trio, comprising of former Melaka chief minister Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik, businessman Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and Perkasa treasurer Shuib Lazim, who confessed to possessing and screening the porn clip.
“If the party involved in playing the porn clip comes from Pakatan Rakyat leadership, imagine the response of the IGP and the police in general” she quipped.

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