Monday, February 16, 2015

The slap that shook the independent judiciary

Judges are meant to serve the people, criticising judges is not a crime In a democracy the people are supreme and all authorities, whether Prime Minister or  Ministers,judges, legislators, bureaucrats, police, army and so on are servants of the people. Since the people are the masters and judges their servants, the people have a right to criticise judges just as a master has the right to criticise his servant.

The public has been urged not to make unfounded criticisms on the judiciary through the social media as this will undermine the administration, Chief Justice Arifin Zakaria said today. is incorrect, totally unacceptable in a democracy, and violates the freedom of speech guaranteed by Article Constitution of Malaysia
Anwar's imprisonment a aggravated pimping in Malaysian Judiaciary 
 John Malott's comment 'a damning indictment on the sad state' of the court.  is what is meant by an objective, factual and logical analysis of the facts of the case.
Astrologers remain in high demand no matter how often they are proved wrong. That’s true of the media too.  Those who failed to analyse or predict voter behaviour before  were holding forth the next day on the implications for future elections. widely seen as strong leaders who will end the old corrupt politics and deliver good governance. as alpha males who act swiftly and decisively (and so are also called authoritarian and dictatorial are crowd pleasers and charismatic spinners of dreams. But the media has highlighted their many differences much more than their similarities.Many analysts have tried to fit their election analyses into their old ideological frameworks. Some claim the poor have triumphed, But the media has highlighted their many differences much more than their similarities.It is a damning indictment on the sad state of the highest court in the land whose reputation, professionalism, competence and integrity has been compromised, so as to make it a laughing stock of the judicial world.It clearly reflects the sad state of affairs of this minority government clinging to power by orchestrating the false conviction of the leading opposition figure of the country.Najib"Can you name one foreign government, one international human rights organisation, one international newspaper, one foreign think-tank, or one overseas academician who agrees with the decision - and who concurs with your assertion that the verdict was the just conclusion of an independan independent judiciary?"  Najib confided that it was God who had ordained 
 the ugly corruption of  Attorney-general (AG) Abdul Gani Patail office
"What was the motive for closing two eyes on Altantuya's murderers?", "How did the government use a gambling kingpin to assist in securing the security of our country?", and "Why was a senior minister asking the Malays to boycott only Chinese traders?"no action taken  former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mahathir is doing a pretty good job on his own in keeping the pressure on 1Mlaysia Development Bhd (1MDB).

To the five judges,a sadomasochistic “romantic chew on the above statement, and isn't it a slap on your faces? drawing gobsmacked audiences, but the transcripts of the DSAI Judgement, perhaps, make for far more interesting reading.saw his political career crash spectacularly when he was accused of sexually assaulting readmore Anwar's imprisonment the five judges and Shafee Haramjadah God’s chosen messenger for an independent judiciary?

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