At a time when UNMO and -Perkasa are engaged in a high-pitched battle for political space Syed Rosli Jamalullail minced no words to mount a full blast attack on Khairy he said Khairy was arrogant and belittled the party's grassroots by not allowing them to speak their minds. is being used for political vendetta. "It is unfair that Umno members are not allowed to speak up. What is the point of being a member if one is not allowed to talk and our voice is being belittled?" he said, in response to the Umno youth chief's reprimand yesterday UMNO'S less corrupt than Perkasa is comparing apples and oranges is worse than comparing apples and oranges. At least apples and oranges are both fruit. The nature of ‘corruption’ in umno and -Perkasa is completely different.The way politics operates is consequently different. UMNO does not really have ‘rule of law’. Instead, bureaucrats run things behind the scenes and the law is more a tool to get things done than an authority to be followed. Decision making is not transparent, happening in backroom negotiations and via subtle political signalling — leaving a lot of room for graft. Political factions conspire with each other; people compete for influence behind the scenes. This rarely comes into the open. Losers are quietly sidelined, or if they’re particularly problematic they’re violently expelled
Oddly enough, Perkasa's incessant demands were met by Umno last month at the party's general assembly. This was where many Umno leaders showcased their ultra-Malay image, and where party president Datuk Seri Najib Razak decided to keep and strengthen the Sedition Act 1948, just as Perkasa had demanded.
But it appears that all this is still not enough for Perkasa which has now trained its guns on Najib's leadership, with its vice-president, the former Election Commission (EC) chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman, bluntly telling the prime minister to "stop lying" about the state of the country.
So confident is Perkasa that Rashid even suggested that the non-governmental organisation should change its role from being a pressure group to a full-fledged political party, saying that this was the only way to ensure the country would be "run by the right people".
Rashid and Perkasa's strident attacks of Najib are not happening in a vacuum. They follow a build-up of criticism by the retired but still influential former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who is Perkasa's patron.
At the same time, Najib has been on the receiving end of more scorn, by pro-Umno bloggers, no less, to the point that the prime minister felt compelled to complain about them at the Umno assembly, using the word "bangang" (idiotic).
Najib's defender, Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, had suggested that Rashid was probably an unhappy civil servant who did not get "certain things" while working in the government administration. Rashid had complained about corruption in Umno while stressing that he himself had never benefited from graft.
-Another Umno minister, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz, also took Perkasa to task for criticising the prime minister's hectic travel schedule, telling the group to look at themselves in the mirror before advising Najib.
Trying to make sense of the unfolding drama, political analyst Associate Professor Dr Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani said Perkasa could be feeling threatened at being sidelined by Umno, as the party had been taking a more conservative stance in championing Malay interests.
"Perkasa says that it is supporting the government, but it also whacked Umno. Perhaps the group is worried that Umno is actually being proactive in helping the Malays, and it (Perkasa) will be sidelined.
"Umno is already seen as championing the Malays, compared to previously when the prime minster was seen as trying to maintain his moderate image," Azizuddin said, referring to Najib's promotion of moderate Malaysia abroad and earlier promised reforms.
The Universiti Utara Malaysia lecturer added that Perkasa also appeared to be trying to ensure that Umno did not lose sight of its Malay cause, and was doing so by attacking party leaders who had been openly critical of the Malay rights group.
Among the Umno leaders who have came into Perkasa's line of fire include Public Accounts Committee chairman Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed, Global Movement of Moderates chief executive Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah, Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, his deputy Khairul Azwan Harun and Sabah speaker Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak.
Azizuddin said Perkasa's attacks on Umno's leadership was unnecessary and could work against the political party, which it supports, by making it look weak.
"There is no need to use such tones and language as they are insulting.
"Perkasa says it supports Barisan Nasional and Umno but openly criticises them. This should not happen as it will only give the impression that all is not well.
"They (Perkasa) may think that their intentions are good, to be a pressure group so that Umno does not deviate from its original Malay struggle, but not like this," he said.
Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hasan Syed Ali, however, believes the group is justified in its criticism, saying that it was only aimed at certain Umno leaders whom Perkasa felt were not in line with the Malay struggle.
"The ones we called 'bangsat' are those in Umno who criticised Perkasa as being extreme, as though they did not understand Umno's own struggle.
"We were targeting them, not all the leaders in Umno," Syed Hasan said, adding that the Umno leaders they took issue with sounded more like the opposition.
"We are not attacking all of Umno, only those who sounded like the opposition.
"We want Umno to be strong, we want to cure those who are weak. So, we can't be praising them," he said.
"Perkasa is just a small organisation, can't we at least criticise them if something is not right?" Syed Hassan said, and used the Malay idiom "Siapa makan cili, dia rasa pedas", to stress that only the Umno leaders who were "guilty" would be offended by Perkasa's criticisms.
During Perkasa's 5th annual conference in Kuala Lumpur last Sunday, its head Datuk Ibrahim Ali had declared himself a hero of the Malay community and slammed his critics in Umno, calling them "bangsat" (despicable) for their failure to understand the group's agenda in defending Malay rights and Islam.
He directed the remark at Umno leaders who were known for being critical of both Perkasa and another Malay rights group, Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma).
He claimed that Perkasa currently has about 700,000 members and described the movement as "a beehive that produces quality honey which can be extracted to cure many ‘ailments’".
Following this spate of unprecedented attacks against Umno, it will be interesting to see where this curious relationship is headed. Will Umno succumb to Perkasa's pressures and grow even more conservative or will Perkasa succeed in replacing the former?
READMOREParliamentarian Khairy said Najib poor governance record won’t help his imageParliamentarian Khairy said Najib poor governance record won’t help his image
This is a typical example, “Between the devil and the deep blue sea”….at the end of the day it will be, whose asshole smells better….make your choice UMNO pariah sniffing dogs. Najib, take heart, the devil may not last out and finish his selfih game….just hang in there and give out more brims. Wow, your maggots are coming out in great number to lick your filthy rear end…how amusing, what a fantastic show!
How many times have we, as managers, employees, people, heard this saying? Having time off has given me the opportunity to reflect on a lot of things including the “concept” of square pegs in round holes. So I decided to pose a few questions to not only myself but to others to invoke some ideas and solutions. Here goes
How did the square peg get there in the first place?
Where was the mismatch?
What does it really mean?
Why does it seem like such a bad thing?
How do we find the square holes for the square pegs?
After asking colleagues, friends and managers about the questions above, here are some of responses I got.
“You earn more money in IT then you do in what you are passionate about”.
“I don’t mind being different, it allows me to come up with different solutions to problems that others may not have thought of”.
“Aren’t we all “square pegs in round holes”?
“I got into this career by accident and just kinda stayed here, I don’t know if I could change and what that change would look like?”.
“I have a couple of personal issues which I am working through but my manager said that I am like a “square peg in a round hole” and I am worried that that means she will get rid of me”.
My personal perspective is that we look for different ideas and people so why not utilise the skills of the square peg when thinking outside the box/peg is gift and not something that has negative connotations? Quit if you love the party, Umno man tells Najib
The voices of discontent among the Umno grassroots continue to grow louder with a party branch leader demanding Najib Abdul Razak quits before the next general election.In an open letter to the prime minister, Syed Rosli Jamalullail said the move would inject a new lease of life into Umno.Commenting on Khairuddin’s actions, Khairy said party members were free to criticise the leadership, but their criticism should have substance.
He said he did not find substance in the allegations raised by Khairuddin.
“I see that Khairuddin’s statement is a statement that is weak. To date, it is not supported by any facts or arguments that can prove what he said is true.
“To me, if one is to make a statement, let it be substantial. Anyone can make general statements that would draw attention, but at the end of the day, people would evaluate it based on its substance,” he said.in his police report on Friday, Khairuddin had called for a “detailed and comprehensive” investigation, urging authorities to interrogate 1MDB’s directors and representatives of any company that might be implicated in its scandals.He said he lodged the report against the company and its board of directors after studying various reports in national and international print media and online media that “clearly proved” there were weaknesses in 1MDB’s management of taxpayers’ funds.Khairy has termed as a conspiracy against him said he did not find substance in the allegations raised by Khairuddin. -needs to come out of a conspiracy-mongering mindset. It’s unfortunate that since coming to power Najib has chosen to describe everything from case to critical questioning by media and members of public as conspiracies against his administration and him and Rosmah. Hence, offering the same refrain in the 1MDB case and supporting disruptive hartals and blockades in his name isn’t going to win him sympathy
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