Friday, October 3, 2014

Our sexually liberated way of life Sex can actually heal.

Does sexual pleasure depend upon organ-size?

Question: I am a 19-year-old boy studying in a professional college. Despite being good in studies, I suffer from an inferiority complex about the size of my penis. My friends have often told me that the size of the penis is directly proportional to the amount of sexual pleasure given or obtained. They boast about their size and how it is a reflection of their masculinity. Is this correct? Can something be done to increase the size of one's genitalia? 
- RK 

The older we grow, the greater becomes our wonder at how much ignorance one can contain without bursting one's clothes. One never knew an ignorant person yet but was prejudiced, said good ol' Twain. Men who feel that the size of their organ is inadequate, rejoice!! Here is news to take away your blues. Now you need not be afraid of going to a public urinal wary of prying glances. Now, you need not fantasise about the size of any Schwarznegger or Superman. 

The smaller organ has a much greater erectile capacity than the larger one. The size of the flaccid or erect penis has absolutely nothing to do with its pleasure-giving qualities. The vagina has a great deal of elasticity and it can adapt to any size of the male organ, be it large or small. And finally, if you think a man is a man cause he guzzles beer or was born with a larger-than-thine appendage, think again. Can't you see, Sir, the sands of time are dribbling through the hourglass?! 

- Dr. Sanjay Chugh, psychiatrist 

Why we don't want to discuss the very act that put us on the planet. Let's face it - our first and biggest sex problem is that the very word itself, "SEX", makes us uncomfortable!
Which brings us to our second problem - a complete lack of knowledge about our culture? Anyone familiar with Hindu tantra or our world famous Kamasutra, will vouch for the fact that we were sexually liberal as a race. But somehow, our nation became so enamoured or influenced by the British Raj that we aspired for all that was theirs ...their fair skin, their power, their systems and their "morality".

Have you ever heard that song called Sexual Healing? It's not just a metaphor. Sex can actually heal. It can heal your body and mind and prevent lots of diseases.Some say it's the first medicine ever known to man and it should be administered daily. Sounds too good to be true? Let's discover the four reasons for which a man should have sex each day

We absurdly swapped our sexually liberated way of life, for the "morality" of the Victorian era. And this brings us to our third problem - sensuous, joyous people that represented a tolerant culture turned inhibited, anxious and the joy of sex became a source of shame. Sex became unacceptable as an act of recreation. It was a function that was meant to be administered only as a means of procreation and that too, within the boundaries of marriage.

This led to the death of foreplay, a resistance to exploratory acts of sex and conveniently took the pressure off the man to get his woman to an orgasm. Any attempt at a position other than missionary, was treated as an act of depravity which led to problem number four - intolerance of alternative sexuality! 

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