Tuesday, September 9, 2014

MALAYSIA at its WORST.Joceline Tan representation of prostitution in Star media

Joceline Tan, The Star bedtime story on Selangor Palace

This is MALAYSIA at its WORST.Joceline Tan representation of prostitution in Star media

Democracy put to the test
PKR’S brilliant job of exposing this strangely gut-wrenching but simultaneously hilarious loot of our wealth in the name of Wanita UMNO Cows ? the NEW media has turned Malaysia’s image into a toilet seat.A friend pointed out that we have only now begun to notice what happened some time ago: that APCO has taken over Malaysia.APCO provides the core inner ring which pumps blood into the heart of the current ruling class of our country.UMNO is: Corrupt Incompetent Arrogant. There is only one reason Singapore is ahead of Malaysia; because it is run by the Lee Kuan Yew: Corrupt, Perverse but Competent.are not in the laudable intention but in the clogged delivery.Good Intentions cannot justify bad delivery the desire to be politically correct has overtaken the imperative to be politically sensible. Method and order, the favourite weapons of Hercule Poirot, might be usefully employed in analysis.
women’s vote are very important. Taken purely as a demographic identity, they constitute the most powerful force in electoral politics. Every second voter is a woman. If she were motivated purely by gender, the majority of MPs would already be women. Theory, alas, tends to have a cool, or even antagonistic, relationship with real life.The basis on which a candidate is chosen, by any party, can be described in a single, if ungainly, word: winnability. division chief offered as nominees, but their names were withdrawn when top leader parachuted an intruder in the electoral competition. This is how politics is conducted. This is why the idea of self interest gained momentum, because the
“winnability” factor is neutralized when all legitimate candidates strangely hasinstanstly ther “winnability” became doubtful.A second structural flaw could further erode the already ebbing credibility of our parliamentary system.
The life-blood of our democracy is a covenant, a pact between elector and elected that the quid pro quo for the vote is service to the constituency. The quality of that service is an important (but not the only) factor in an MP’s re-election. This is the one big check that keeps a MP on some sort of practical leash.The relationship between MP and voter can, thereby, be officially abandoned. This should make party bosses delirious.
The irony is that such flaws can be easily corrected, with some time and thought. Both have been absent from the process. The pro-parachute lobbies have employed hustle topped off by self-congratulation; those opposed think that explosions constitute an argument.

Democracy cannot survive in an environment of indiscipline, contempt for the rule of law and lack of respect for law enforcement agencies. In some of the western democracies, an unmanned STOP signboard at a road junction is good enough for every driver to stop the vehicle and proceed even though the road may be empty. Try ignoring the signboard and without an exception the cop will get you from where you don’t know. You can be rest assured that you will be punished on the spot. The so called tip doesn’t work there.
Collusion of the politician, bureaucracy, businessmen, the law and investigating agencies against the interest of the country and people is nothing short of treason. By involving the bureaucracy and the investigating agencies in wrong doings, what message are we sending to these government servants and agencies? What respect will they have for those who demand such acts of misdeeds of them and for those in authority? What moral authority will the government have to point a finger at these agencies and officials when they commit grave impropriety?
Our parliamentary system of governance has failed the people especially the poor. It is time we revisited our constitution.
The Sultan of Selangor was wrong to have decreed that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) submit more names to the palace for the menteri besar (MB) post, a constitutional expert said last night, adding that only God, and not humans, had absolute power.
Dr Abdul Aziz Bari told a forum organised by Persatuan Ummah Sejahtera Malaysia (PasMa) that the 30 statutory declarations (SD) in support of Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah should be enough for the sultan to consent to her appointment as the Selangor MB.
“(This is) the first time in Malaysian history where people declared their support through SD. What else does he want? When he issued a decree, asking for other names, to me, that is wrong constitutionally.
“The only ones who are infallible (mutlak)… are Allah and the Prophet Muhammad. Humans, whoever they are, can make mistakes. To me, requesting more names when Dr Wan Azizah has the majority support is wrong,” he said yesterday at the Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall.
Speaking at the forum, titled “PAS and Umno – where are they headed?”, Aziz said the sultan’s discretion in choosing a menteri besar was limited to cases where there was a hung parliament.
“We stand by the principle of the constitution. There’s no such thing as absolute power. We practise democracy. In Islam there is no absolute power (for humans).readmorehttp://suarakeadilanmalaysia.blogspot.com/2014/09/joceline-tan-star-bedtime-story-on.html

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