Monday, September 15, 2014

All-night-long intercourse uncaged soul of Jessica Brown Findlay Leaked Sex Tape,

The added that sex lasting between seven and 13 minutes was "desirable".

Contrary to popular fantasy about the need for hours of passionate activity, sex therapists say around ten minutes is perfectly satisfactory.

"Many men and women seem to believe the fantasy of all-night-long intercourse," the Telegraphquoted researcher Eric Corty, an associate professor of psychology at Penn State University, as saying.

"This seems a situation ripe for disappointment and dissatisfaction.

"We hope this survey will dispel fantasies and encourage men and women with realistic data," Corty added. In the middle of a great lovemaking session, you suddenly realize your partner is not sharing your rhythm, the ecstatic pitch. You feel he isn't so into you in that moment of extreme physical intimacy.

Is-he thinking-of-someone-else or he-doesn't-find-me-sexually-attractive-anymore kind of thoughts cloud your mind instantly. Mostly women are able to sense this sudden change in their spouse's body language while in the act. For them, it is an excruciatingly frustrating experience which leads them to see sexologists, make amends to their lifestyle, and read up on how to be desirable again.

But what exactly triggers sexual fantasies while having sex? Does it spell doom for a relationship? Is dissatisfaction a plausible reason or another myth? Here are some interesting finding...

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