The PM may have had his compulsions, having no political base, and yet to lead a party where he was unsure of the actual support within, he carried on his task. I will not doubt his selection for a suitable successor, for in a democracy you do not differentiate on caste or measly economic backgrounds, you also do not differentiate against those with silver spoons. A more apt remark, a bit more ambivalent and democratic-sounding, would have won his succeeding entrant, much more of public appeal. The real strategy for Najib is to delink further propaganda from lineage. Let him be seen as his own man.
Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani for hisr sacrifice on the great achievement
as through great effort, skill, perseverance, and couraget the Member of Parliament forP119Titiwangsa, Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani
“Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.”
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.”
The desire for martyrdom for the country is our hearts
It will test the strength of the enemy.
Why one does not to speak to others?
Whoever I see is silent.
O country, I submit myself to thee
Now even the stranger speaks of thy courage.
We will display courage at the right moment,
Can’t show what’s inside our hearts now.
It will test the strength of the enemy.
Why one does not to speak to others?
Whoever I see is silent.
O country, I submit myself to thee
Now even the stranger speaks of thy courage.
We will display courage at the right moment,
Can’t show what’s inside our hearts now.
Soon to gain heat is a matter of economic performance of the nation. We need the best political talent that can gather more of its type to take one giant leap forward in his tenure. A country that spontaneously became a leader in software, pharmaceuticals, and guiding talent in management, has only one direction and a minimum specified speed to move ahead. We are more attached to world economy, and issues of global peace than ever before. A prosperous economy, a diligent administration, a commitment towards every citizen, and the demons of corruption, regionalism and communalism shall vanish.
The governments and their heads, perhaps found the right shortcuts to lead such an electoral mindset. The executive head, for quite a while decided by progeny (it is a known phenomenon, for instance, the Kennedys), was a smart, and many a time the only alternative. The followers, so succumbed to their “idolism, merged with idle-ism” never allowed any other dissent or alternative talent to grow. Their own sources of lavish survival would abruptly come to an end, and any attributed all embracing mortal, would probably not mind a further extension. The politics in this country was never mature to select the best man for a job required for a particular time. Leadership was a pre-decided phenomenon
It only had to carry over the feel-good phenomenon. Government-sponsored publicity was to take over the rest. Refraining from being party- or person-specific, the popular slogan “Indira is India” is more an opportunity of rhyme. No denying that she was one of the greats, did not win her seat through lineage, but by a political divide she won. Still, sycophants got their chance to squeeze more benefits. Some started vehemently supporting her son, to please the mother. The result: an indelible blot of an “Emergency” on India’s democratic credentials.Here is a country where people manoeuvre the manoeuvrable to power. Soaked with godly adulation, soon addicted to it, accepting nothing but praise, they lose their authentic sight of the nation that got them the seat. Quite surely they begin to align with the self-serving goals of those who provide for the peacock throne. I am enamoured by this adjective.
It only had to carry over the feel-good phenomenon. Government-sponsored publicity was to take over the rest. Refraining from being party- or person-specific, the popular slogan “Indira is India” is more an opportunity of rhyme. No denying that she was one of the greats, did not win her seat through lineage, but by a political divide she won. Still, sycophants got their chance to squeeze more benefits. Some started vehemently supporting her son, to please the mother. The result: an indelible blot of an “Emergency” on India’s democratic credentials.Here is a country where people manoeuvre the manoeuvrable to power. Soaked with godly adulation, soon addicted to it, accepting nothing but praise, they lose their authentic sight of the nation that got them the seat. Quite surely they begin to align with the self-serving goals of those who provide for the peacock throne. I am enamoured by this adjective.
History, though, records “Tudors”, “Kaisers”. I think “peacock” is closest in meaning to the designation that has more ingredients of power and pride than of any other human virtue.
My impressions may be false, but for 7 years this great democracy was kept under the impression, which it duly abided by, that a statesman-like PM,Najib, was projected as a standby PM by Mahathir, for a PM in waiting. Probably ushered by sycophants, this propaganda in some ways is going against this young candidate’s raw, natural, personally worked out philosophy.
Change comes from the bottom up, not top down
Mahathir and his allies want to set a date for Malaysia’s prime minister to move out.Forces aligned with former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad appear to be attempting push embattled Malaysian Premier Najib Tun Razak into giving a time frame for his eventual departure from office and naming a successor, Although Mahathir left office as prime minister in 2003, he has kept up a constant barrage of criticism about the way the country has been run, quitting UMNO near the end of Badawi’s reign in supposed outrage over party politics. He reawakened with force after the 2013 general election, charging that Najib’s election strategy of reaching out to the country’s 40 percent of minority voters was a mistake.’citizen elites’ through modern history that ignited the sort of change that ultimately led to the creation of the liberal democratic welfare state and society, in Europe to start with, then across the developed world. India’s Constitution, an elite-generated document, aspires to the same ideal.

Najib is also under heavy public pressure because of rising prices due to the withdrawal of subsidies and other reasons, not least of which is dissatisfaction with the ostentatious behavior of his wife, Rosmah Mansor. He has also been widely criticized for being out of touch with the rakyat, or citizenry. He was ridiculed for saying that while some prices had gone up, the price of “kangkong [water spinach] has fallen but why don’t they praise the government?”
This brings us back to our first question – what is your solution,Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir?

Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir has been told not to speak publicly of his dissatisfaction with UMNO can resigDatuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir n from UMNO and fight from outside Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor.
“I told him that this was not right as it would jeopardise the party,” said Tengku Adnan.
Mukhriz had expressed concern that Barisan Nasional might lose in the 14th general election.When the UMNO suffered a humiliating defeat in G13 election if Putrajaya continued implementing unpopular decisions.”Defeat is a real possibility if Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak continues with his present policy of correct but unpopular decisions, especially on issues concerning the rising cost of living,” Mukhriz, who is also the Kedah menteri besar, had said.
Tengku Adnan said Only marginally true. For, if that was the case, he would not have run down Najib so close.Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir lacks killer instinct, Najb carrying such deficiency.
The problem with the babus of today is that they cannot draw the line between the political objectives of their political masters and the obligations of the post they hold. It is not the job of the Home Secretary to improve the image of the Congress or rubbish that of the AAP. It is not the job of the police to promote political agendas.
Unfortunately, such fine distinctions between public responsibility and private gain are long gone and Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor align with Mahathir’s Gang to get ahead.Umno secretary-general have given enough space for Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir go against Najib.
As if on cue and immediately after Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir announcement, different UMNO spokespersons of varying stature hailed this statement as an indicator that a ‘game-changing idea’ was in the offing. One person in particular, who appears rather frequently on TV debates, proclaimed that Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir “was the best thing to happen to UMNO..”
KUALA LUMPUR – Government leaders and ministers should stand up and defend the government relating to issues brought up by the rakyat instead of taking on a safer approach, said Bernama Chairman Datuk Abdul Rahman Sulaiman.
He said it is time for them to back one another in defending the government on issues concerning the rakyat which are being manipulated by the opposition and taking the country on the verge of crisis.
“Find ways on how to defend the government, for example (how the ministers should stop) the kangkung issue, I do not see anyone coming out helping and supporting him (Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak), this is not supposed to happen, (they should not) ‘play safe’,” Abdul Rahman said.
“The time has come for cabinet members to defend the prime minister, if not don’t be in the cabinet,” he told Bernama at the Appreciation event for Internal Trainers for Bernama School of Journalism (BSJ) programm
Now that the initial delirium over Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir emergence as a fresh political force for change has somewhat subsided, it may be useful to examine the mechanics of socio-political change. Do mass movements for change erupt spontaneously from the lowest rungs of society? Or are they the result of ideas that emerge from an elite?
Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir today denied that he had said Barisan Nasional would lose in the coming 14th general election (GE14) due to unpopularity of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Mukriz stressed that he had never made such statement which was reported in pro-opposition blogs recently.
“I never said such things.
“The statement did not come from me but instead it was made up by the opposition blog.
“I had never once mentioned that the BN president (Najib) is not popular,” he told pressmen after chairing the first Umno liaison meeting for 2014 session.
Mukhriz was asked on the recent report by pro-opposition blogs which quoted him as saying BN would lose in the GE14 following Najib’s unpopularity.
He said he had explained the matter to BN secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor when he was contacted by the latter.
He also accepted with open heart when he was gently reproached by Tengku Adnan for voicing out his concern that the BN-led government might lose in the upcoming election if it continued to take the “right but unpopular” approach, which was reported by a Malay daily.
Kadir whowas removed as Chief Group Editor of Nst because there was a revolt against him and he refused to change. He was asked to go on six months leave and think things over. He returned after four months and resigned because “I can change if I want to but I don’t want”.
As you sow, so shall you reap You require a seed to grow a tree. But if you don’t water it, give it sunlight and manure, it will never grow. The only plant that grows in arid or desert lands is a prickly cactus and you inevitably hurt yourself on its needles while extracting any nourishment from it. The same holds good for relationships. It’s the easiest thing in the world to start a relationship. But there is a huge difference between a ‘relationship’, a ‘flourishing relationship’ and a ‘prickly relationship’ and it all boils down to input=output. A first date, sizzling chemistry, or even an arranged meeting, are the seeds to either a huge tree that will one day give you shade and protection from harsh conditions like harsh sun and rain, give you fruit, give you adventure and excitement as you climb its branches or be just a prickly reminder of a lack of nurturing. There is a saying, ‘As you sow, so shall you reap,’ and nothing could be truer of a relationship. It’s not something that magically grows by itself, stays interesting or becomes exciting only because the seed is sown. A relationship is one of the most important things in our lives yet strangely it’s the one thing we take the most for granted over time. We stop investing in our life partner and see it as a drain to continually give to them, when in actuality you’re the one reaping the rewards of it. You wake up with, sleep with, have children with and share the largest chunk of your journey on this planet with your life partner. How stupid to not make it worth everyone’s while.
Look inside an office and you’ll see that you don’t have to be ‘the boss’ to take on a leadership role. If you are one with the most experience in a certain skill, you’ll have, at least in a few key moments, the opportunity to become the ‘leader’ and guide your team. That’s a no brainer right there, isn’t it?
Psychological studies in this area have been fascinating. They have helped us understand the connect between the ability to lead, when necessary, and the achievement of professional success; taunting us to the ever unanswered question: Do nice guys really finish last in life?
Malaysia’s Najib Faces UMNO Party and Mahathir Protest
Najib will not be missed as PM. Peter’s Principle (1969) states that bureaucracies promote people to the level of their incompetence. Nothing could be truer than this in Najib’s case, and almost never listened to. Liberation from the extended coalition dharma of UMNO 1 spelt his doom, as power effectively passed to the inner political core of UMNO. Najib’s expertise has always been in managing to walk the mean between economic fundamentalism and democratic acceptability. The art of the possible. This is what makes him an exceptional . His credibility overseas is far higher than his domestic ratings. He would make an exceptional, high level diplomat for spreading knowledge on the magnificent success ofMalaysia economy, using the time honored instrument of Malaysia. A combination of problem solving skills based on the ability to spin interventions, which have no immediate international precedents, but fit the extant environment and adhere to basic economic principles.said
After an uncommon fight on the anti-corruption plank and disrupting the political landscape of the country That’s playing to the gallery. With a handful of populist acts of late, which political parties often resort to in their desire to curry favour with voters, Najib has already taken a handful of populist decisions lately which include free kangkung PM has “landed himself in the kangkong soup” after he hit back at the people for criticising the government following the increase in the price of goods. all leading to a higher subsidy burden for the government. Subsidies don’t come from thin air either. The common man should understand that it’s taken back through taxes on other goods and services, which they only have to pay. a bogey taken up by a section of politicians seeking to play to a certain vote bank. In this case the vote bank are the rich traders, who have been historically UMNO sympathizers and who also contribute generously to the party funds. It’s got nothing to do with people on the fringes as it doesn’t impact their lives. Earlier, the favourite whipping boy the bogey publicised by some such PAKATAN politician
In a dramatic development, the DMK on Friday suspended former Union minister and DMK south zone organizing secretary M K Alagiri from the party for anti-party activities.
“We encourage our party members in sharing views and ideas openly.
“I did it out of respect for the party leadership as well as love for the party,” he said.
A statement from the party headquarters in Chennai said Alagiri and his followers had been involved in anti-party activities.
A press release issued by the DMK headquarters said Alagiri and his followers had been indulging in anti-party activities. “Alagiri and few others have been suspended from the party,” said the release issued by party general secretary K Anbazhagan.
It said when there was an organizational setup to address grievances of party men, a few partymen in Madurai were involved in anti-party activities like putting up posters and giving interviews to disrupt possible alliance talks.
“It is wrong supporting such people and taking up their cause and directing them not to work for the party. So, we have taken action against those indulging in anti-party activities
.Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir has been told not to speak publicly of his dissatisfaction with the party but to use the proper channels, said Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor.
“I told him that this was not right as it would jeopardise the party,” said Tengku Adnan.
Mukhriz had expressed concern that Barisan Nasional might lose in the 14th general election if Putrajaya continued implementing unpopular decisions.
“Defeat is a real possibility if Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak continues with his present policy of correct but unpopular decisions, especially on issues concerning the rising cost of living,” Mukhriz, who is also the Kedah menteri besar, had said.
Tengku Adnan said he had a talk with Mukhriz and told him not to use the press to air his grouses with the party.
Alagiri should not continue in the party. So he has been suspended. Cadres should heed to the party leadership,” the release added.
Alagiri should not continue in the party. So he has been suspended. Cadres should heed to the party leadership,” the release added.
Several senior leaders, including Alagiri’s younger brother and DMK heir-apparent M K Stalin, met party chief M Karunanidhi at his Gopalapuram residence in Chennai for quick discussions before the suspension order was released.
The move comes in the wake of the DMK suspending five more of his supporters on Thursday night.
Source said Alagiri, who returned from Honk Kong late Thursday night, met his father and party chief, M Karunanidhi, on Friday morning at the latter’s Gopalapuram residence and vented his anger over the suspension of five more of his supporters.
The feud in the party intensified last week with the high command ordering suspension of five loyalists of Alagiri over recurring instances of ‘mischievous posters’ in Madurai. Two of them, P M Mannan and S Ezhilmannan, are the party’s executive and general council members.
Earlier, Alagiri gave an interview to a Tamil television channel belittling DMDK chief Vijayakanth. Alagiri said the actor lacked political decorum and that the DMK could win without an alliance with the DMDK.
From an influential party leader in Madurai and Union minister to being sidelined and suspended from the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) for ‘anti-party activities,’ M K Alagiri’s spiral down the political slope has been rather dramatic.
While his growth had been meteoric, his downfall too — suspension from the party on Friday — has been sensational.
His chequered growth in the Dravidian political scene has been marked by sensational events that included open rebellion, allegations of his involvement in the murder of a senior partyman, sibling rivalry and a full-scale succession battle.
Until the 1980s, Alagiri was just another son of DMK patriarch M Karunanidhi, watching the political growth of the DMK and the careers of his father and younger brother M K Stalin as an indifferent outsider.
He was then sent to Madurai to take care of the management and circulation of the DMK organ ‘Murasoli’. Alagiri gradually built up a base in the region, earning himself several sobriquets including `Anjanenjam’ (brave heart), Madurai strongman and the ‘King of Madurai’.
The intervention by his mother, Dayalu Ammal, ensured that Alagiri earned the post of south organising secretary in 2009. This was after he helped the party engineer an impressive victory in an assembly byelection in the district.
His father gave him a party ticket to contest the Lok Sabha election in Madurai, which he won with a convincing margin. He was among the seniormost partyman, representing the DMK in the Union cabinet, but was asked to resign in March 2012 after the DMK pulled out of the UPA.
Known to be hot-headed and out-spoken, Alagiri had never accepted his brother’s elevation within the party.
He openly opposed it and made it clear that he would accept only his father as the party chief. The latest faceoff with his father and brother is seen as yet another round of the simmering sibling rivalry.
While Alagiri is known to get up and fight back after similar setbacks in his political career in the past, it remains to be seen if he will re-emerge from the latest ordeal.
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