Ugh. Uggghhhh. Burrp. If these are the three words you speak when you wake up, you’ve surely overdone the Diwali partying. Now that Diwali’s over, get down to getting fit for the X-mas & New Year binges with these detox mantras and diet, and feel rejuvenated…
Rosmah Mansor, the controversial wife of prime minister Najib Razak, looks set to be thrust into public limelight again, following the appearance of a new YouTube video.
The blurry two-minute video clip (click here), uploaded very recently alongside many duplicate clips, shows the 61-year old taking centre stage among other performers dancing to the tune of the Hindi hit song ‘Jai Ho’.

Are you a woman in your 40s struck by strange restlessness, angst, and a feeling of something missing? Wonderful! You have hit the mid-life crisis, which today is nothing short of an opportunity to reinvent your life and live the way you wish to.
Kids flew the nest? Marital problems? Bored with your job? Lonely? Or, just irritated with the sameness of everything? You could be facing questions in your personal or professional life, or accosted by existential queries — do not just go with the flow. Get a grip on life and lead it where you want it.
Kids flew the nest? Marital problems? Bored with your job? Lonely? Or, just irritated with the sameness of everything? You could be facing questions in your personal or professional life, or accosted by existential queries — do not just go with the flow. Get a grip on life and lead it where you want it.
I recently attended a Life Alignment group healing session with healer Jeff Levin in Delhi. Whether or not I managed to align my life through his revolutionary healing system is a moot point, but the day did turn into an interesting session that included therapy, some confessions, non-religious chanting and vibrational healing.
This group had almost all women in their middle years. The themes that emerged were: being taken for granted, forced to conform to social conditioning, arrested dreams, and unfulfilled aspirations. As Jeff encouraged each woman to speak, what reveal;ed itself was a group of women, who have purportedly lived a wonderful existence, undisturbed by major upheavals. They all considered themselves a happy, blessed lot with caring families — and yet there was a feeling of something vital missing.
Most of them had led protected lives, conforming to societal expectations. As one woman put it revealingly, “I went to college, got married, had children….and my husband has never restricted me. Yet, I always wanted to be an architect, and now I think it is too late.”
This panicky feeling of having done one’s duty to others, but not enough for oneself is a repeated motif in the lives of women of a certain age in India. As the years move on inexorably, women start feeling deprived. They have lived as daughters, wives, mothers and friends, but not really as themselves. What is it that you really want for yourself? What is the true purpose of Your life?
A tough question for women, especially Indian women, who grew up before the media explosion that brought in Hannah Montana and Lady Gaga into our living rooms. Few of us were lucky to have enlightened parents, who taught us to think for ourselves. For the rest, submission was the norm; rebellion, very rare.
Thankfully, today when mid-life crisis strikes, there are still a good many quality years left. Good education and independent incomes have ensured that women at this stage can still bring in powerful changes that give a new wonderful twist to their lives.
As natural creators and lifelong multi-taskers, women are far better equipped than men at reinventing their lives. But deep emotional attachments make it tougher for them to move on. Reaching for what you want involves a trade-off and so we tend to stick to our comfort zones.
However, so long as you are clear what you want, it is never too late to salvage a dream — so what if we can live out just certain aspects of it? And so, if not an architect, what stops you from creating beautiful spaces around yourself ? If you wished to be a doctor and couldn’t, what stops you from healing now?
After all, what’s in a name?
Dressed in a Bollywood outfit, Rosmah is seen being viewed and cheered by the crowd watching her performance from a projector screen.
‘Jai Ho’.
It is not clear when or where the video was shot, but a glimpse of the backdrop suggests that the occasion was held two years ago.
Based on past interests in Rosmah, the latest YouTube video is set to draw thousands of hits in a matter of days.
Have you ever been tempted to do what you should rightfully be doing? Most probably not! For, the very definition of temptation is wishing to do that which you are not supposed to do! You are tempted to do the very things that you are warned against, eating what you are advised not to, and wondering about places that are declared danger zones! As old as Adam and Eve, temptation is what led the original First Couple to taste the fruit of that one forbidden tree, and commit the Original Sin that led to the Fall of Man! Temptation is very easy to give in to, and near impossible to resist.
The Devil outside may be easier to resist than the Devil within, which makes temptation a natural state of existence for us. Our natural urges are all set to be tempted and lead us astray. We give in to temptation when we rationalize the outcome and convince ourselves that we are doing the right thing by giving in. The body craves pleasure and so, all the wrong things; the mind, which knows better, tries to resist, but then rationalizes the craving and gives way. Curiosity is a huge factor in temptation. Curiosity, which is basically a function of the mind, is aroused by denial or unapproachability.
The mind kicks in and starts wondering about the denial, wishing to discover what would happen if we did exactly what we are warned not to do! When a man hears colleagues rib each other about extra-marital affairs, he starts wondering if he is missing out on something, an experience he may regret not having had? His curiosity and competitive spirit are aroused and he becomes a vulnerable candidate for infidelity. The mind plays tricks on us and we convince ourselves of the reasons we do certain things.
Notice how the day you start a diet also seems to be the day you crave all kinds of unhealthy food! You think of reasons to put off the dieting, or convince yourself that a little indiscipline will not cause much harm! The mind has its reasons that decide whether you give in or not. Temptation is the weapon used by unscrupulous people to control others. When Ravana wanted to abduct Sita, he took on the form of a golden deer that tantalises her. She sends Rama off in hot pursuit and Lakshman after him, thus falling into the hands of the evil Ravana! When Lord Indra wished to test King Kaushika (later Sage Vishwamitra), he sent Menaka, an apsara from his court, to disturb his meditation. Kaushika lived with Menaka for 10 years and they had a daughter — Shakuntala.
His arrested meditation had to continue thousands more years before he became Sage Vishwamitra and managed to overcome all passion and temptation. Temptation by itself is not a sin, though it may pave the path towards sin. To be tempted is normal, a natural state of affairs. Whether you give in to that temptation or not is what determines your character. If ever a married person were to tell me he or she has never felt attracted to a member of the opposite sex; if someone said they have not been ever tempted to cheat or lie, I would find that difficult to believe! We all have our weak moments, and to be tempted is not wrong. So temptation is a good indicator of character. You do not know you are honest unless tempted by dishonesty! How do you know you are faithful unless you are tempted to be unfaithful? The strength of your resistance is a measure of your faith, fidelity, or your honesty!
What fun would a life without temptations be? Temptation is also the stuff seductions and wild imaginings are made of! To be tempted by love and desire, to allow the mind to meander through forbidden pastures before resolving to resist them in the long-term interest, or to give in at times… Can you imagine life without ever being tempted by anything at all? What a pallid, colourless existence that would be! In Oscar Wilde’s words, “I can resist anything except temptation!”
Since Najib’s appointment as prime minister in 2009, his wife’s alleged penchant for extravagance has been cited by critics as proof that BN leaders and their family members are clueless about economic problems faced by ordinary citizens. Many have also attempted to draw comparisons between Rosmah and Imelda Marcos, the wife of the late Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos, notorious for her luxurious lifestyle.
In June, it was revealed in parliament that Rosmah and Najib had secretly stayed in Milan, the Italian shopping haven, during an official tour of three Western cities using 9M-NAA, the official aircraft to carry the prime minister.
The revelation came a year after Najib publicly thanked his wife for allowing to forgo a family holiday in Italy “for the sake of Malaysians back home”.
In 2011, a screenshot of the Customs department’s clearance of a diamond ring worth US$24.4 million from United States shocked netizens. The screenshot shows that the ring was for “inspection by H.E. Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Mansor”.
The government however said there was no such purchase of the ring by Rosmah, though admitting that it was “returned to the company owner”.
Cleanse the liver. The liver is the major organ involved in detoxification, however it is still important to support the other body organs of elimination. Empty stomach water, papaya, apple and curd help detox the liver.
Detox the kidneys. The skin and the kidneys eliminate toxins through sweating and urine. Plenty of water and herbal teas plus a sauna can reduce symptoms of toxic overload as they expel toxins through the urine and through the pores of the body. Cranberry and pomegranate juice strengthen the kidneys.
Eat raw to expel the flaw. Thirty to 40 per cent of your diet should be raw fruits and vegetables, especially dark green leafy vegetables and orange, yellow, purple and red colored fruits and vegetables. This will ensure that toxins in the blood are excreted out faster.
Avoid artificial. They’re called artificial colourings, sweeteners and flavors because they are. And they can create puffiness, retain toxins, give you acidity and inflammation. So avoid all foods containing these like diet drinks, packet soups, processed meats etc
Supplement. Alcohol, smoke (active or passive), lack of sleep, rid the body of B complex vitamins much faster, thus creating a deficiency of this important nerve vitamin. You may need to take supplements of vitamin B with extra B 12 as well as iron to avoid poor metabolism and fatigue and to replenish.
Stay light. Dehydration and fatigue also requires protein to replenish, hence a great source of protein is a lightly cooked dal (the yellow ones please). Stick to a light, bland khichdi as a meal. This combines protein with carbohydrates to give your body the required energy without overloading the digestive system. Add yoghurt for soothing your stomach and enhancing absorption of amino acids in dal.
Rehydrate. Drink large amounts of fluids (apart from water) like raw juices and green tea, herbal and regular but very weak tea without milk.
Avoid strong teas, coffee and carbonated drinks. These dehydrate the body and strip the Vitamin B1 from the body as well as encourage loss of important minerals such as magnesium, potassium and sodium.
Avoid non-vegetarian food. For 3-4 days at least. Non-veg food takes longer to digest and puts a load on the already overloaded digestive system.
No alcohol. Junk the old saying of “treat a hangover with alcohol.” Don’t go near alcohol for three days at least. Stick to green tea instead.
The Three-Day Detox Diet
This diet combines the goodness of fruits like papaya that are good for the liver, vegetables rich in nutrients required by the body, the soothing qualities of chamomile, as well as the role of herbs like mint and coriander in comforting the overloaded digestive system. The diet will make you run to the rest room, a required action to expel toxins.
This diet combines the goodness of fruits like papaya that are good for the liver, vegetables rich in nutrients required by the body, the soothing qualities of chamomile, as well as the role of herbs like mint and coriander in comforting the overloaded digestive system. The diet will make you run to the rest room, a required action to expel toxins.
Day One: Getting rid of the overload via fluids only
Morning: Warm water with lime juice and honey. Followed up by one litre of warm water.
Breakfast: A large bowl of papaya
Mid-morning: One glass raw fruit and vegetable juice, made with one orange, one carrot, one turnip and a dash of rock salt. Do not strain. You could dilute it.
One hour after the juice: A cup of green tea
Lunch: Clear vegetable soup
One hour after lunch: One orange and a bowl of papaya
Evening: Two cups of mint tea
Dinner (by eight p.m.): Clear vegetable soup
One and a half hours after dinner: One cup chamomile tea
Morning: Warm water with lime juice and honey. Followed up by one litre of warm water.
Breakfast: A large bowl of papaya
Mid-morning: One glass raw fruit and vegetable juice, made with one orange, one carrot, one turnip and a dash of rock salt. Do not strain. You could dilute it.
One hour after the juice: A cup of green tea
Lunch: Clear vegetable soup
One hour after lunch: One orange and a bowl of papaya
Evening: Two cups of mint tea
Dinner (by eight p.m.): Clear vegetable soup
One and a half hours after dinner: One cup chamomile tea
Day Two: Starting back on solids
Morning: Warm water with lime juice and honey. Followed up by one litre of warm water.
Breakfast: Curd and 3-4 spoons of poha
Mid-morning: One glass raw vegetable juice, made with one carrot, one tomato, one turnip and a dash of rock salt. Do not strain. You could dilute it.
One hour after the juice: A cup of green tea
Lunch: A small bowl of khichdi and curd
One hour after lunch: One orange and a bowl of papaya
Evening: Two cups of mint tea
Dinner (by eight p.m.): A light, watery soup with fresh vegetables
One and a half hours after dinner: One cup chamomile tea
Morning: Warm water with lime juice and honey. Followed up by one litre of warm water.
Breakfast: Curd and 3-4 spoons of poha
Mid-morning: One glass raw vegetable juice, made with one carrot, one tomato, one turnip and a dash of rock salt. Do not strain. You could dilute it.
One hour after the juice: A cup of green tea
Lunch: A small bowl of khichdi and curd
One hour after lunch: One orange and a bowl of papaya
Evening: Two cups of mint tea
Dinner (by eight p.m.): A light, watery soup with fresh vegetables
One and a half hours after dinner: One cup chamomile tea
Day Three: Getting the system rejuvenated
Morning: Warm water with lime juice and honey. Followed up by one litre of warm water.
Breakfast: Small bowl of whole wheat cereal with curd
Mid-morning: One glass raw vegetable juice, made with one carrot, one tomato, one turnip and a dash of rock salt. Do not strain. You could dilute it.
One hour after the juice: A cup of green tea
Lunch: Clear vegetable soup, you could drink two bowls of this. Do not put cornflour to make it thick.
One hour after lunch: One large bowl of papaya
Evening: Two cups of coriander tea
Dinner (by eight p.m.): A small bowl of khichdi (made fresh, do not use the previous day’s) and curd
One and a half hours after dinner: One cup chamomile tea
Morning: Warm water with lime juice and honey. Followed up by one litre of warm water.
Breakfast: Small bowl of whole wheat cereal with curd
Mid-morning: One glass raw vegetable juice, made with one carrot, one tomato, one turnip and a dash of rock salt. Do not strain. You could dilute it.
One hour after the juice: A cup of green tea
Lunch: Clear vegetable soup, you could drink two bowls of this. Do not put cornflour to make it thick.
One hour after lunch: One large bowl of papaya
Evening: Two cups of coriander tea
Dinner (by eight p.m.): A small bowl of khichdi (made fresh, do not use the previous day’s) and curd
One and a half hours after dinner: One cup chamomile tea
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