Shaik Hussein Mydin want Soil Lek Head to be the first beheaded once we takeover 

Massage parlors and entertainment centers do contribute to vice activities . Therefore strict control had to be enforced . But in the end , changing the people’s mindsets through good educations is still the best and this remain to be seen under the present government.An interesting challenge Mr Liu and a dangerous one when a certain tengku goh controls the coppers by their bolas over his lucrative vice revenue stream.
Selangor exco member Ronnie Liu has challenged the authorities to shut down all massage parlors in the country if they think that the establishments are the major reason behind the proliferation of vice activities.
Liu, who is state Local Government, Research and Study Committee chairman, said the proliferation of such establishments, including entertainment centers and budget hotels, isn’t the main reason for rampant vice activities in Selangor.
He said enforcement by local authorities was more important in tackling vice.
“If you think it is a wise move, then I challenge you to shut down all massage parlors in the country,” he said in the state assembly sitting today.
Liu was responding to a supplementary question from Datuk Warno Dogol (BN-Sabak) on action taken against massage parlors, following complaints about men frequenting massage parlors in Sabak Bernam, with some resulting in divorce.
He explained that massage parlors were approved as beauty and health centers under the local council by-laws and is subject to approval from other agencies such as the Fire and Rescue Services Department and the district Health Department.
He said there are currently 571 registered massage parlors and 775 entertainment centers in Selangor.
He questioned why the proliferation of massage parlors in Johor Baru wasn’t questioned, but Selangor was instead placed under the microscope.
“There are more than 70 massage parlors in Johor Baru alone, but this doesn’t get widespread negative coverage,” he said.
Liu said, on Selangor’s part, the local councils regularly conduct joint-operations against unlicensed massage parlors, and stressed that action was taken against those who breach the law.
Liu, however, was unable to provide any statistics on enforcement action taken against massage parlors in Selangor.
Sebagai seorang yang beragama Islam, Ketua Pemuda Umno Pulau Pinang, Shaik Hussein Mydin bersetuju dengan pelaksanaan hukum hudud. Sungguhpun begitu, beliau berkata, ia belum lagi sesuai dilaksanakan di negara ini.
Bagaimanapun, Pas yang mendakwa memperjuangkan Islam harus melaksanakan hudud di Kelantan terlebih dahulu sebelum dilaksanakan di Johor.
“Di Kelantan majoriti penduduknya adalah kaum Melayu dan beragama Islam. maka lebih memudahkan Pas untuk melaksanakan hudud,” katanya ketika dihubungi Sinar Harian semalam.
Beliau yang juga Ketua Pemuda Umno Bagan diminta mengulas cadangan Adun Kemelah, Datuk Ayub Rahmat agar pelaksanaan hukum hudud dimulakan di Johor. Shaik Hussein berkata, jika Pas boleh melaksanakan hukum hudud di Kelantan, Pemuda Umno Pulau Pinang khususnya akan bersama parti itu melaksanakannya di Malaysia.
Untuk itu, Pas harus memastikan hudud yang dilaksanakan itu adalah hukum Islam dan bukan hukum Pas.
Sementara itu, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Pulau Betong, Muhamad Farid Saad berkata, beliau bersetuju dengan cadangan pelaksanaan hukum hudud. Ini kerana agama Islam sudah termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan sebagai agama rasmi.
“Sebagai seorang yang beragama Islam, kita harus bersetuju dengan hudud kerana ia adalah hukum ALLAH. Tiada siapa yang berani melawan hukum ALLAH,” katanya.
Dozens of men and women took to the streets of Kabul on Wednesday to protest the recent public slaying of an Afghan woman accused of adultery whose gruesome, execution-style killing was captured on video.
The footage, which surfaced recently, shows the woman being shot multiple times about 10 days ago in Parwan province, north of the Afghan capital. The gunman was encouraged by people who stood nearby, smiling and cheering. Police in Parwan said the Taliban were behind the killing, but the insurgents have denied they ordered or carried out the slaying.
The death of the unidentified woman, who was said to be in her 20s, set off a storm of condemnation. President Hamid Karzai, the U.S. Embassy, the top NATO military commander in Afghanistan and activist groups all denounced the killing.
It was a reminder that girls and women still suffer shocking abuse in Afghanistan, but the protest also indicated that people’s views on women’s rights here could be slowly changing.
“We want the government to take action on behalf of these women … who are victims of violence and who are being killed,” said Zuhra Alamyar, a woman activist who was at the Kabul rally. “We want the government to take serious action and stop them.”
The crowd of about 50 demonstrators carried large white sheets that said “International community: Where is the protection and justice for Afghan women?” They marched from the Afghan Ministry of Women’s Affairs to a traffic circle near a U.N. compound, and some shouted: “Death to those who did this act!”
Despite guaranteed rights and progressive new laws, the U.N. Development Program still ranks Afghanistan as one of the world’s worst countries when it comes to equal rights for women. Afghan advocates say attitudes have subtly shifted over the years, in part thanks to the dozens of women’s groups that have sprung up.
Still, ending abuse of women is a huge challenge in a patriarchal society where traditional practices include child marriage, giving girls away to settle debts or pay for their relatives’ crimes and so-called honor killings in which girls seen as disgracing their families are murdered by relatives.
Women activists worry that gains made in recent years could erode as the international presence in Afghanistan wanes and the government seeks to negotiate a settlement with the hardline Islamic Taliban insurgents.
During the Taliban regime, women were banned from working and going to school, or even leaving home without a male relative. In public, all women were forced wear a head-to-toe burqa veil, which covers even the face with a mesh panel.
The video surfaced just before donor nations met this weekend in Tokyo and pledged $16 billion in aid for Afghanistan. The donors expressed strong concerns over how the money will be handled and also called on Kabul to improve human rights, especially women’s rights.READMORE
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