Saturday, July 28, 2012



Only Assholes Think You Won’t Sleep With Them Unless They’re Assholes

Heard this argument? Men don’t really want to be domineering jerks. Guys play at being assholes only because women reward arrogant alpha males with sex. Women’s sexual choices create bad male behavior; the ladies have only themselves to blame for the seeming epidemic of masculine boorishness. Uh-huh.
 totally, totally, toally disagree with Jeswan Kaur, FMT the writer here and also Leroy Luar (wat a name!). I shall reserve my rationale to a more enlightened audience! it is a shame to practice homosexuality, period! But, instead of condemning them, what’s wrong with enlightening them to go the correct path! Sometimes, all these human rights thingy is a wash-out, period! I am still for ANWAR as PM unless someone can come up with an
When I heard about Chuck Norris’ support for the Boy Scouts’s anti-gay policies, my first thought was, “I wonder how he and I never became friends.” Lately I have come to realize that most of my closest “celebrity friends” have ended up making controversial anti-gay comments, and that’s a dampening fact for this gay man.Anwar’s refusal to accept the LGBT rights will in time to come put him on the guillotine board, bringing the curtains down on a “reformer” who promised much but delivered little.
When confronted with this research — or a woman’s emphatic claim that she doesn’t want a jerk — guys in the pick-up artist (PUA) and men’s rights communities proclaim that women are either dishonest or fundamentally ignorant of their own wants. Ethan, a 29-year-old film editor who’s been studying pick-up artistry since he was in college, says, “Most women have ‘bad boy syndrome’ but are reluctant to admit it. They don’t want to fall into the stereotype of the woman who can’t resist the asshole. But their own desires betray them.” At In Male Fide, Wizard Corpse says much the same thing, remarking to the women he imagines might take him seriously, “you are not aware that you are attracted to the qualities of an asshole.”
I’ve heard variations on this argument over the years from guys in my Men and Masculinity course. When we debate whether “bad boy” behavior is driven by the homosocial desire to win approval from other men or is primarily a strategy that men are forced to adopt in order to give women what they really want, I invariably hear from male students who insist that the latter is the real reason. Assholedom, a few of my students argue, is a necessary pretense. “Most guys would be a lot nicer,” a student once said, “if we thought that niceness was what women actually wanted.” When several female students challenged him on his theory, he insisted that they were either lying or deceived as to their own desires.
It’s true that the culture socializes some young women to be attracted to disaffected, hostile, and brooding young men. Sometimes, it’s about encouraging girls to buy into the “my love can change him” trope. For women taught to believe that their most valuable asset is their own capacity to love, what better way to prove the depths of one’s devotion than to transform the bad boy into the nice guy? Just as doctors demonstrate their skill by healing the sick rather than keeping the already healthy well, so too some young women may think that their worth is better measured by taming the asshole than by sustaining a relationship with a man who is already kind, present, and emotionally aware. Many men point triumphantly to examples of women who think this way as evidence that their own consequent douchebaggery is simply a rational sexual strategy.
The idea that women are the architects of their own sexual adversity is massively oversold by pick-up artists and men’s rights activists alike. Guys like Roissy, Ethan, and Wizard push the “good girls only want bad boys” theory because they sense the obvious benefit: If they then themselves mistreat women, they are not doing it out of any defect in their natures, but out of a rational strategy for improving their mating odds. It is women themselves who have made these rules, these guys claim with varying degrees of sincerity; we fellas just have to adapt as best we can. Bad male behavior gets cunningly reframed as an evolutionary adaptation to female desire — and the blame for everything falls once again on the shoulders (and hearts, and libidos) of women who don’t know (or won’t admit) the truth.
It’s not news that pop psychologists, conservative politicians, and aspiring pick-up artists in their mothers’ basements seek to blame women for rotten male conduct. If only women wouldn’t reward jerks with sex and attention, their arguments go, men would be ever so much nicer and more reliable. What’s different now is that this blame game is contradicted by the growing research consensus that women’s private sexual desires are not, in fact, at odds with their egalitarian public aspirations.
The evidence is compelling that the sexual appeal of assholes is wildly exaggerated. But that doesn’t seem to stop those who long to justify their own bad behavior from making the case that they’re ijust giving the ladies what they really want. As if . READMORE

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