If Anwar is innocent then why is Saiful still free and there is no action taken against him by the autorities even the religious one? What a shame for Adat Melayu and Islam. There seems to be no justice for the innocent here The AG has to appeal. Otherwise, how can he respond to the judgment that the DNA evidence could not be upheld because the judge was of the opinion that the authenticity of the DNA could not be ascertained thus suggesting a planted job ! That would require an automatic investigation into the conduct of the police investigators. We all know from Sodomy 1 where this will finally point to Don’t waste tghe Rakyats money and the courts’ time. Move on, to the next world.wondering when a High Court judge says evidence was not corroborated at the full hearing of so many witnesses, how will at Appeal Court 3 judges could corroborate the testimony without directly hearing the witnesses? A real mockery and abuse of the legal system and a waste of public funds

People get murdered, C4′d, raped, kidnapped etc. And our AG is so concern about one arse which the court had already found not guilty. is this what we call caring for society or abuse of power?The AG should be brought to court instead for wasting Taxpayer’s money and the court’s time. How could a Pulic Office file an appeal without revealing the grounds?
AG is abusing his power by utilizing the national resources to help Saiful on his personal lawsuit on DSAI! The AG final goal is to help UMNO BARU leadership to run down their political rival DSAI! AG is a traitor to the country! He should be hung! UMNO BARU should use their own resources to back Saiful if they want, but cannot abusing the national resources! The grounds of appeal everybody also know….’to make Anwar busy at the order of najis because GE13 is just round the corner’. So Zaki (ex cheap justice), if the judiciary is fair lets see they throw out the appeal at the onset.This further confirmed that the MALAY person and only Malaysian Mahathir, Najib, UMNO and the BN are all AFRAID of is ANWAR IBRAHIM! Anwar has gone through the baptism of fire after his frolic with UMNO/BN. No Malay/Islamic leader/Malaysian has ever tested hell from Mahathir and Najib like Anwar who was physically assaulted, detained under ISA and publicly humiliated with false charges and fabricated evidence in sodomy I and II. Mahathir, Najib, UMNO and the BN are desperately trying at ALL costs to put Anwar in prison to stop him from exposing their misdeeds and evil plan to plunder Malaysia! Malaysians, if we don’t support PR and Anwar, no Malaysians will dare to stand up for us in future!

One need not be a die-hard Anwar fan to know that AG Abdul Gani Patail is – after Mahathir
the man who lives in greatest fear of Pakatan taking over the Federal Government. The list of his abuses of power is uncountably long. The moment the UMNO-BN regime falls, Gani Patail must be seized and held to account. AG… have you nothing else to focus on? How about taking your head out of PM’s behind and pursue more pertinent matters? Have you not wasted enough of tax payers money?. haven’t you forgotten that you want to fight for justice when you are studying for the law degree? Covering the murder case of Altantunya equates you as a murderer too. Head of the Trial and Appeals division Kamaluddin Md Said, which is more important – appealing to higher court for a review in a sex trial or a murder trial? Stop wasting our taxpayers’ money. Why appeal against Anwar’s sex trial verdict when the judge had made a clear-cut judgement that the crucial DNA sample/evidence had been ‘illegally’ tampered with by a senior police officer.Compare this with the no appeal to the higher court against the acquittal of Razak Baginda in Altantuya murder case. There were many inconsistencies and the main witnessess were not called in the trial. Razak is the only person, and not the two PM’s bodyguards who were sentenced to be hanged, has a link to Altantuya to provide a motive for the murder. DPP Kamaluddin, is it because one is an opposition leader and the other a friend of PM Najib?commend the AG’s Chambers on their efficiency. In Anwar’s acquittal AG file appeal so quickly but in Razak Baginda’s case (which was an accusation of MURDER) no appeal was filed at all. In a murder acquittal, an appeal would be filed as a matter of course but none was. There is clearly a case of double standards here but more imporatantly in Razak Baginda’s case a traversty of the rule of law and a failure of the Malaysian justice system Kamaluddin, when it concerns the Oppositions Leader you are super efficient in appealing against judgements But when it concerns Cronies of Najib Razak YOU closed both your bloody eyes, what sort of Trial and Appeal Division Head are YOU, are you a Balls Licker of sort or Arse Licker either way you are shame and disgrace to the Law profession. Be careful as Allah may reward you with disabled children.
It is the right of the AG’s chambers to appeal though it is obviously very clear that it is a personal vengeance of Gani Patail and Najib against Anwar. And in Najib’s case, it is for his political survival that when Anwar is put behind bars, then Najib stands a better chance to win the GE.Attorney-General, why was the verdict involving Abdul Razak Baginda not appealed? How much did Najib pay to bailout Baginda?
Murder case not being appealed, but clear fabricated evidence case is being appealed. AG clearly bias action makes more people like me to vote for PR. But in the case of the acquittal of Razak Baginda in the Altantuya murder, it was a mockery of justice that the AG blatantly refused to appeal the acquittal of Razak Baginda. This was a personal favour that Gani Patail did for Najib who has to rescue his partner in ‘sex and crime’ . You can get away with murder in Malaysia as long as Gani Patail is the AG Justice must not only be served but must be seen to be served. Was it right that a former UMNO member and UMNO lawyer was fast tracked in his promotions after joining the bench and then made a CJ – Tun Zaki Azmi ? Was it right that Zaki’s wife was awarded a negotiated Billion ringgit project for the elevated Kidex highway, with no experience and no expertise. Isn’t this, payback to the CJ for favours rendered to UMNO and the government ? Was it right for the judge to accept that there was no motive for the murder of Altantuya ? So what is Ariffin Zakaria talking about ? This is corruption, injustice, manipulation and dirt right from the top hierarchy of the judiciary. Fix it first, then talk later.
When someone has an opinion, his/her opinion may be right or wrong. But it is just an opinion. Does he/she produce proof for his/her opinion? If a judge made a wrong or biased judgment and someone voiced out against the judge, there is nothing to prove because it is an opinion of that person. It would be a clash of opinion (and interpretation of facts) between the judge and that person. The CJ has just insinuated that people can be prosecuted for voicing their opinions. Where is the freedom of speech then when people are threatened with prosecution every time they voiced out their opinions?

We can’t tell you how happy we are to bring you the third installment of Sassy Gay Friend just this month. Sure, our heroine-saving hero with a penchant for scarves is coming to us at a price – product placement — but at least we’re getting to see more than just the occasional episode.
Last week’s “Black Swan” episode was a hit, but this week S.G.F. gets back to his roots and helps out one of Shakespeare’s ladies: Lady Macbeth.
“First of all, stop getting your political news from crazy old women who live in the bushes,” isn’t even the snappiest line in this rescue session, where S.G.F. convinces Lady Macbeth not to act like a crazed control freak. Watch the video below and check Sassy Gay Friend’s spiffy new website and his Facebookfor more sassy gay goodness.

Melissa Rader, MPH1, Gary Marks, PhD1, Gordon Mansergh, PhD1, Nicole Crepaz, PhD1, Sheila Murphy, PhD2, Lynn Miller, PhD2, and Paul Robert Appleby, PhD2. (1) Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention – Epidemiology Branch, CDC, 1600 Clifton Road, Mailstop E45, Atlanta, GA 30342, 404-639-6174, mvr6@cdc.gov, (2) University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
OBJECTIVE – To provide a multidimensional examination of men who have sex with men’s (MSM) preferences about the characteristics of a potential microbicide for anal intercourse. METHODS – 387 MSM were recruited at street locations in West Hollywood, California. Participants rated 48 features that might characterize a microbicide product, indicating the extent to which each feature increased or decreased the likelihood of product use (7-point scale) and selecting the feature most important to them. Seven dimensions were formed: product effectiveness, use of product, convenience/accessibility, physical attributes of product, physical effects of its use, psychological effects, and interpersonal concerns. RESULTS – Sample characteristics: 52% white, 22% African-American, and 26% Latino. 72% reported they were HIV-negative; 15% were HIV-positive and 13% had unknown HIV serostatus. Median age was 29. The dimension “effectiveness of the product” had the highest composite mean rating (6.51). 40% of the participants indicated that confidence in effectiveness against HIV infection was the feature most important to them. Participants also wanted the product to be effective against other sexually transmitted diseases, to be recommended by an expert, to not reduce physical sensation or pleasure, and to allow for personal control. Preferences were similar across age, ethnicity, education, income, and HIV serostatus. CONCLUSION – These findings can help guide future development and marketing of a microbicide for MSM. The fact that preferences were similar across sociodemographic characteristics suggests that HIV prevention campaigns to promote information and use of a microbicide may be able to target a wide audience of MSM.readmorehttp://themalay-chronicle.blogspot.com/2012/07/ag-betrayed-himself-when-he-passed-baby_10.html
If Anwar is innocent then why is Saiful still free and there is no action taken against him by the autorities even the religious one? What a shame for Adat Melayu and Islam. There seems to be no justice for the innocent here The AG has to appeal. Otherwise, how can he respond to the judgment that the DNA evidence could not be upheld because the judge was of the opinion that the authenticity of the DNA could not be ascertained thus suggesting a planted job ! That would require an automatic investigation into the conduct of the police investigators. We all know from Sodomy 1 where this will finally point to Don’t waste tghe Rakyats money and the courts’ time. Move on, to the next world.wondering when a High Court judge says evidence was not corroborated at the full hearing of so many witnesses, how will at Appeal Court 3 judges could corroborate the testimony without directly hearing the witnesses? A real mockery and abuse of the legal system and a waste of public funds

People get murdered, C4′d, raped, kidnapped etc. And our AG is so concern about one arse which the court had already found not guilty. is this what we call caring for society or abuse of power?The AG should be brought to court instead for wasting Taxpayer’s money and the court’s time. How could a Pulic Office file an appeal without revealing the grounds?
AG is abusing his power by utilizing the national resources to help Saiful on his personal lawsuit on DSAI! The AG final goal is to help UMNO BARU leadership to run down their political rival DSAI! AG is a traitor to the country! He should be hung! UMNO BARU should use their own resources to back Saiful if they want, but cannot abusing the national resources! The grounds of appeal everybody also know….’to make Anwar busy at the order of najis because GE13 is just round the corner’. So Zaki (ex cheap justice), if the judiciary is fair lets see they throw out the appeal at the onset.This further confirmed that the MALAY person and only Malaysian Mahathir, Najib, UMNO and the BN are all AFRAID of is ANWAR IBRAHIM! Anwar has gone through the baptism of fire after his frolic with UMNO/BN. No Malay/Islamic leader/Malaysian has ever tested hell from Mahathir and Najib like Anwar who was physically assaulted, detained under ISA and publicly humiliated with false charges and fabricated evidence in sodomy I and II. Mahathir, Najib, UMNO and the BN are desperately trying at ALL costs to put Anwar in prison to stop him from exposing their misdeeds and evil plan to plunder Malaysia! Malaysians, if we don’t support PR and Anwar, no Malaysians will dare to stand up for us in future!

One need not be a die-hard Anwar fan to know that AG Abdul Gani Patail is – after Mahathir
the man who lives in greatest fear of Pakatan taking over the Federal Government. The list of his abuses of power is uncountably long. The moment the UMNO-BN regime falls, Gani Patail must be seized and held to account. AG… have you nothing else to focus on? How about taking your head out of PM’s behind and pursue more pertinent matters? Have you not wasted enough of tax payers money?. haven’t you forgotten that you want to fight for justice when you are studying for the law degree? Covering the murder case of Altantunya equates you as a murderer too. Head of the Trial and Appeals division Kamaluddin Md Said, which is more important – appealing to higher court for a review in a sex trial or a murder trial? Stop wasting our taxpayers’ money. Why appeal against Anwar’s sex trial verdict when the judge had made a clear-cut judgement that the crucial DNA sample/evidence had been ‘illegally’ tampered with by a senior police officer.Compare this with the no appeal to the higher court against the acquittal of Razak Baginda in Altantuya murder case. There were many inconsistencies and the main witnessess were not called in the trial. Razak is the only person, and not the two PM’s bodyguards who were sentenced to be hanged, has a link to Altantuya to provide a motive for the murder. DPP Kamaluddin, is it because one is an opposition leader and the other a friend of PM Najib?commend the AG’s Chambers on their efficiency. In Anwar’s acquittal AG file appeal so quickly but in Razak Baginda’s case (which was an accusation of MURDER) no appeal was filed at all. In a murder acquittal, an appeal would be filed as a matter of course but none was. There is clearly a case of double standards here but more imporatantly in Razak Baginda’s case a traversty of the rule of law and a failure of the Malaysian justice system Kamaluddin, when it concerns the Oppositions Leader you are super efficient in appealing against judgements But when it concerns Cronies of Najib Razak YOU closed both your bloody eyes, what sort of Trial and Appeal Division Head are YOU, are you a Balls Licker of sort or Arse Licker either way you are shame and disgrace to the Law profession. Be careful as Allah may reward you with disabled children.
It is the right of the AG’s chambers to appeal though it is obviously very clear that it is a personal vengeance of Gani Patail and Najib against Anwar. And in Najib’s case, it is for his political survival that when Anwar is put behind bars, then Najib stands a better chance to win the GE.Attorney-General, why was the verdict involving Abdul Razak Baginda not appealed? How much did Najib pay to bailout Baginda?
Murder case not being appealed, but clear fabricated evidence case is being appealed. AG clearly bias action makes more people like me to vote for PR. But in the case of the acquittal of Razak Baginda in the Altantuya murder, it was a mockery of justice that the AG blatantly refused to appeal the acquittal of Razak Baginda. This was a personal favour that Gani Patail did for Najib who has to rescue his partner in ‘sex and crime’ . You can get away with murder in Malaysia as long as Gani Patail is the AG Justice must not only be served but must be seen to be served. Was it right that a former UMNO member and UMNO lawyer was fast tracked in his promotions after joining the bench and then made a CJ – Tun Zaki Azmi ? Was it right that Zaki’s wife was awarded a negotiated Billion ringgit project for the elevated Kidex highway, with no experience and no expertise. Isn’t this, payback to the CJ for favours rendered to UMNO and the government ? Was it right for the judge to accept that there was no motive for the murder of Altantuya ? So what is Ariffin Zakaria talking about ? This is corruption, injustice, manipulation and dirt right from the top hierarchy of the judiciary. Fix it first, then talk later.
When someone has an opinion, his/her opinion may be right or wrong. But it is just an opinion. Does he/she produce proof for his/her opinion? If a judge made a wrong or biased judgment and someone voiced out against the judge, there is nothing to prove because it is an opinion of that person. It would be a clash of opinion (and interpretation of facts) between the judge and that person. The CJ has just insinuated that people can be prosecuted for voicing their opinions. Where is the freedom of speech then when people are threatened with prosecution every time they voiced out their opinions?

We can’t tell you how happy we are to bring you the third installment of Sassy Gay Friend just this month. Sure, our heroine-saving hero with a penchant for scarves is coming to us at a price – product placement — but at least we’re getting to see more than just the occasional episode.
Last week’s “Black Swan” episode was a hit, but this week S.G.F. gets back to his roots and helps out one of Shakespeare’s ladies: Lady Macbeth.
“First of all, stop getting your political news from crazy old women who live in the bushes,” isn’t even the snappiest line in this rescue session, where S.G.F. convinces Lady Macbeth not to act like a crazed control freak. Watch the video below and check Sassy Gay Friend’s spiffy new website and his Facebookfor more sassy gay goodness.

Melissa Rader, MPH1, Gary Marks, PhD1, Gordon Mansergh, PhD1, Nicole Crepaz, PhD1, Sheila Murphy, PhD2, Lynn Miller, PhD2, and Paul Robert Appleby, PhD2. (1) Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention – Epidemiology Branch, CDC, 1600 Clifton Road, Mailstop E45, Atlanta, GA 30342, 404-639-6174, mvr6@cdc.gov, (2) University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
OBJECTIVE – To provide a multidimensional examination of men who have sex with men’s (MSM) preferences about the characteristics of a potential microbicide for anal intercourse. METHODS – 387 MSM were recruited at street locations in West Hollywood, California. Participants rated 48 features that might characterize a microbicide product, indicating the extent to which each feature increased or decreased the likelihood of product use (7-point scale) and selecting the feature most important to them. Seven dimensions were formed: product effectiveness, use of product, convenience/accessibility, physical attributes of product, physical effects of its use, psychological effects, and interpersonal concerns. RESULTS – Sample characteristics: 52% white, 22% African-American, and 26% Latino. 72% reported they were HIV-negative; 15% were HIV-positive and 13% had unknown HIV serostatus. Median age was 29. The dimension “effectiveness of the product” had the highest composite mean rating (6.51). 40% of the participants indicated that confidence in effectiveness against HIV infection was the feature most important to them. Participants also wanted the product to be effective against other sexually transmitted diseases, to be recommended by an expert, to not reduce physical sensation or pleasure, and to allow for personal control. Preferences were similar across age, ethnicity, education, income, and HIV serostatus. CONCLUSION – These findings can help guide future development and marketing of a microbicide for MSM. The fact that preferences were similar across sociodemographic characteristics suggests that HIV prevention campaigns to promote information and use of a microbicide may be able to target a wide audience of MSM.readmorehttp://themalay-chronicle.blogspot.com/2012/07/ag-betrayed-himself-when-he-passed-baby_10.html
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