“Smart . . . smart . . . and stupid.” That was my eighty-something-year-old mother’s reply when I asked her what she thought of Bill Clinton during the impeachment saga of 1998.
We can now add Anthony Weiner’s name to the list of smart, smart and stupid politicians. It’s a long list that includes Gary Hart, John Edwards, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dan Crane, Gerry Studds, Eliot Spitzer, Mark Foley, Mark Sanford, Jim McGreevey, John Ensign, Bob Packwood, David Vitter, Eric Massa and Christopher Lee. You might want to throw in John F. Kennedy.
The public’s immediate response to such revelations: “What were they thinking?” What is it about the lethal combination of sex and politics that makes so many men “smart, smart and stupid”?
In politics, what is important is perception, not reality and this is exploited by the Opposition. Even the truth is always denied as they know that politics is all about perception and not about reality and truth. It is for us to show we are better, more effective and better understand the rakyat’s aspirations so that the sentiments are more towards us. - Prime Minister Najib Razak
Najib is right in stating that politics is about the perception of the people and not reality but he was wrong in saying the Opposition is exploiting this notion. Najib should commend the Opposition for being able to turn perceptions into realities and for having the smarts to play the political game.
If the Opposition is seen to be better able to master the art of perception in politics, given their miserly resources, it may be because BN and Najib are idiots at it.
The Opposition is merly reacting to the reality of the Malaysian political landscape, crafted and grafted by the Barisan Nasional government over the past 5 decades. Reality is lost under the insinuations and lies and half-truths that the BN has told and kept hidden from the public view.
It is BN which has replaced reality with a virtual, dreamscape and a surreal idea of Malaysia as seen by them. BN has fed, via government controlled main-stream media, the idea that all things BN is good, while at the same time they rob the nation of its wealth by milking public coffers to feed the businesses of their families and friends.
Najib’s reality is one riddled with sex-tapes, sodomy trials, long protracted police investigations, MACC celebrity hauls, C4 murders and expensive handbags – to name a few. This is the reality Malaysians have lived with, in growing intensity, since 1998.
Governing on borrowed time
And as the 13th General Election looms near, Najib as shown in his statement above has clearly stated the condition of the BN mind. The rakyat’s mind has woken up from the BN dream-induced state and acknowledged the reality of Malaysia as it is today. But can the same be said about Najib and UMNO.
A nation broken under the administration of the BN government, that sadly is Malaysia now. The rakyat wants change and this means BN may finally be booted out under Najib’s watch.
The writing is on the wall and Najib knows this. The 13th General Election is not merely a stage for BN to remain in power but for Najib should also be of great personal significance. It is the stage for him to get his much needed public mandate to govern Malaysia.
Najib was never voted in as the Prime Minister of Malaysia. He took over from a retiring Abdullah Badawi as head of UMNO, which makes him Prime Minister by consensus among the BN component parties.
He lacks the public mandate delivered through a voting process. And this is Najib’s reality and he knows this. Since taking over as Prime Minister in 2008, Najib has been governing on borrowed time.
The Federal Constitution states that the Prime Minister is one who gains the confidence of the members of Parliament. BN has lost the confidence of the rakyat which in turn means they will loose their dominance in Parliament and effectively this will determine the next Prime Minister.
Najib’s reality is that he may be the only Malaysian Prime Minister never to gain a public mandate to govern.
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