Read only if you have time for ALLAH
إقرأه فقط إن كنت تمتلك وقتا لـ الله
Let me tell you, make sure you read all the way to the bottom. I almost deleted this email but I was blessed when I got to the end
دعني أخبرك، تأكد انك ستقراه الى النهاية لقد كدت احذفه ولكني بوركت عندما انهيته
ALLAH, when I received this e-mail, I thought... الله'وهو عنوان الرساله' عندما وصلتني هذه الرساله, فكرت....
I don't have time for this... And, this is really inappropriate during work
ليس لدي وقت لقراءة تلك الأشياء كما أنني بوقت غير مناسب للقراءة ..فأنا في العمل
Then, I realized that this kind of thinking is... Exactly, what has caused lot of the problems in our world today.
وبعدها لاحظت بأن هذا النوع من التفكير هو تماما السبب الذي يجعل عالمنا مليئ بالمشاكل في الوقت الحالي
We try to keep ALLAH in MASJIDS on FRIDAY...
We try to keep ALLAH in MASJIDS on FRIDAY...
نحن نحاول أن نجعل الله والدين بالمساجد ايام الجمعة
Maybe, FRIDAY night...
وربما بليل الجمعة
And, the unlikely event of a MAGHRIB SALLAH.
And, the unlikely event of a MAGHRIB SALLAH.
وصلاة المغرب احيانا
We do like to have Him around during sickness...
We do like to have Him around during sickness...
نحن نحب ان نذكره ايام المرض
And, of course, at funerals
.وطبعا الجنائز
However, we don't have time, or room, for Him during work or play...
لكن ليس لدينا الوقت ولا المساحة لأن نذكره خلال العمل او اللعب
Because.. That's the part of our lives we think... We can, and should, handle on our own.
لأن هذا هو الوقت الذي نعتقد فيه بأننا قادرين على أن نعتمد على أنفسنا فيه
May ALLAH forgive me for ever thinking...
ياالله سامحني على هذا النوع من التفكير
That... there is a time or place where..
H E is not to be FIRST in my life.
التفكير الذي يقول أن هناك وقت او مكان لا يكون 'الله' الأول والأهم في حياتي
We should always have time to remember all HE has done for us.
يجب أن يكون لدينا الوقت 'لأن نذكر كل ما قدمه 'الله لنا
Pass this on ONLY IF YOU MEAN IT!!
أنشرها فقط إن كنت مقتنع بها
Yes, I do Love ALLAH.
نعم، انا أحب الله
HE is my source of existence and Savior.
هو مصدر وجودي ومنقذي
He keeps me functioning each and every day. Without Him, I will be nothing.
وهو الذي يبقينا أحياء كل يوم ومن دونه سنصبح لا شيء
This is the simplest test.
وهو الذي يبقينا أحياء كل يوم ومن دونه سنصبح لا شيء
This is the simplest test.
هذا أسهل اختبار ممكن
If You Love ALLAH... And, are not ashamed of all the marvelous things HE has done for you...
اذا كنت تحب الله ولا تخجل من جميع الأشياء الرائعة التي قام بها من أجلك
Send it on...
Now do you have the time to pass it on?
والآن ألديك وقت للنشــر ..؟؟
Make sure that you scroll through to the end.
تأكد إنك ستصل لنهاية الرسالة
Easy vs. Hard
السهــــل ×الصعـــــــــب
Why is it so hard to tell the truth but Yet so easy to tell a lie?
لماذا يكون من الصعب جدا أن تقول الحقيقه ومع ذلك من السهل جدا ان تكذب
Why are we so sleepy in THE MASJID but Right when the sermon is over wesuddenly wake up?
لماذا نشعر بالنعاس وقت الصلاة و في المسجد وبمجرد أن تنتهي الخطبه نصحو فجأة
Why is it so easy to delete a HOLY e-mail, but yet we forward all of the nasty ones?
لماذا يكون من السهل جدا أن نحذف ايميل ديني ومع ذلك ننشر كل ما هو سيّء
Of all the free gifts we may receive, Prayer is the very best one....
من ضمن كل الهدايا المجانيه التي نحصل عليها .. دعوة صادقة هي أفضلهم
There are no costs, but wonderful rewards...
لن تكون هناك عقوبات لعدم النشر لكن جائزة رائعة
بإذن الله
Notes: Isn't it funny how simple it is for people to NOT BELIEVE IN ALLAH and then wonder why the world's going to hell.
ملحوظة: شيء مضحك أن هناك أناس لا يؤمنون بالله ويستغربون لماذا العالم ذاهب 'لجهنم'
دلالة على فساد العالم
Isn't it funny how someone can say 'I believe in ALLAH ' but still follow Satan (who, by the way, also 'believes' in ALLAH ).
شيء مضحك أن يأتي شخص ويدعي بأنه مؤمن بالله ولكنه لم يزل يتبع أبليس 'كما أن ابليس يؤمن بالله '
Isn't it funny how you can send a thousand jokes through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding ISLAM , people think twice about sharing?
شيء مضحك أنه من الممكن أن ترسل الآلاف من النكت عن طريق الإيميل وتنتشر مثل النار في الهشيم واذا ارسلت ايميل اسلامي الناس يفكرون مرتين قبل أن يعيدوا نشرها
Isn't it funny how when you go to forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it to them.
كما أنه من المضحك أنه عندما تقوم بنشر هذا الإيميل لن تقوم بإرساله إلى كل من عندك لإنك غير متأكد بماذا يؤمنون وكيف يفكرون بك اذا ارسلتها لهم
Isn't it funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me than what ALLAH thinks of me.
من المضحك أن نخاف من رأي الناس فينا اكثر من رأي الله فينا !!
I MAKE DUA, for everyone who sends this to their entire address book, they will be blessed by ALLAH in a way special for them.
انا دعوت لكل شخص يرسل هذا الإيميل لكل من عنده بدفتر العناوين ، أن يبارك لهم ربي بطريقة خاصة لهم
بإذن الله
And send it back to the person who sent it, to let them know that indeed it was sent out to many more
وأرسلها لنفس الشخص إللي أرسلها لك لكي يعلم بأن الرسالة قد نشرت فعلا
الشمعة لا تخسر شيئا اذا ما تم إستخدامها لإشعال شمعة اخرى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Assalamu Alaikum,
This poem was totally inspire after going on the treadmill for 4 miles at 10:00 PM. (Don’t ask) No edits, done in 13 minutes. I might edit it, but believe it or not. I think I may actually like this one. This is dedicated to all the people out there that have problems, worry about the future, or feel down. I may never see you or know you, but know that I was thinking of you. Consider it a cheap Ramadan gift, although I think it has a powerful message (in terrible rhetoric… is that the right word?) Hope you like it!
Allah Will Take Care of You
On the road but you have no destination.
No words said but you can feel the sensation.
This world seems unreal so you hide in your imagination,
We are only characters playing a role as God’s creation.
Every downfall is only a path to spiritual elevation,
Get up brilliant noble people of Islam’s nation.
Forget everything and enter the world beyond sound or hue.
Feel the heart’s rhythm that Allah will take care of you.
You don’t know it but it is a Divine Miracle.
Only if you breathe it in can you reach your pinnacle.
Embrace it slowly and do not listen to the cynical.
We are so determined to make ourselves the obstacle,
There is someone watching us outside of our minds’ cubicle.
Say it loud and clear and break the chains from the physical.
Use not your eyes but your heart to look past the view.
Fall into the fact that Allah will take care of you.
Oh you who has been blessed with God’s grace,
Step forward and let His Nur brighten your face.
Trust that every single atom made in the entire space,
Only does God’s Will at the Divine pace.
Don’t think your will can compete against God’s in a race.
Be content that where you are is only a temporary place.
The words of this message can only be so many or so few,
Trust in Allah that Allah will take care of you.
The universe comes to greet us every night.
Suns are little specks compared to your heart’s light.
Speak your soul and trust in Allah tonight.
There is no other way to say this forthright.
The only person who can help you is you in this insight.
Say it everyday and make every moment make it anew.
Submit all your thoughts to remember that Allah will take care of you.
Oh (my name), can’t your blind eyes see?
It was never about your will, but your destiny.
Say it loud and clear: God will watch over me
Don’t ever forget it and let it shadow you for eternity.
Let this beautiful fact pull you in God’s gravity.
Fall into God’s embrace and don’t think you never knew.
Let it echo in every soul that Allah will take care of you.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Assalamu Alaikum,
I was honored to be present in one of the greatest classes of my life. The teacher was giving a lesson on how to get closer to Allah swt and how to go on the path. A person and I were taking notes, but I am putting up all that I remember before I forget:
–The only way to start going on the path or to get anywhere on the path is to do taubah. Lots of taubah. And more taubah after that. There are hundreds of different forms of taubah and here are a few:
—-Intense contemplation on one’s faults and wrongdoings and resolving to do better, astaghfaar, prayer, muraqabah, charity (feeding and giving knowledge are biggies), reading Quran and doing more contemplation.
–Another big thing is to have a proper relationship with God. This one obviously is constantly changing, but what the teacher meant is to embrace all of Allah’s qualities, especially His Rahmah. There is such a deep wisdom in His Mercy that we can never grasp, but we must think good of Him. Being on the path can’t work very well if you think bad of Allah. You can fear Allah and do taubah, but to have despair or think that He is only the Punisher will only backfire on you.
–Adhab, adhab, adhab. (I am in trouble) How you interact with the world is only a small echo of how your spirit interacts with God. Obviously, you have tons more respect for God (or at least I hope so) but you must also respect His creation, His Divine Will, and everything that happens to you. Many people are ungrateful for their problems, but there is wisdom in times we have to be patient or in times of trial. Do not underestimate God’s Knowledge, Wisdom or Mercy.
–Contemplation. The more you think of yourself and God, the more focused you are on yourself and God. Often we think too much of the world and not enough of the grand scheme of things. Where are thoughts are is where our future goals will be. But don’t get misguided in contemplation of questioning God or Islam, but contemplate on how you can be better, how Allah is so great or the beauty of everything He does.
–Genuine crying. (Don’t start throwing salt in your eyes) Tears for Allah, renouncing the dunyah, love of Allah and His Rasul, or taubah draw you closer on the path. One who cries, his/her heart is still alive. To not cry is to have your heart hardened. (Read my COD khutbah post for more on the importance of crying)
–Calling on Allah for everything and anything and even nothing. Constantly calling Allah’s name increases your dependence on Him and less on others. Allah is with those who remember Him.
These are some of the lessons I learned and it is such a pity I did not stay longer. But another I remember is that Islam is not a complicated religion. It is simply a way of life. It is there to guide us back to God. Its purpose is not to complicate our lives or make us follow rules for no apparent reason. Islam gives us purpose, a breath of life in our bodies, spring rain to our hearts. Never doubt Allah, His Rasul or the power of the human heart to constantly turn back to Allah swt.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Assalamu Alaikum,
I have not been able to sleep properly these past few days and I realize that I come up with some of the weirdest questions in bed. So I decided to list a few here and I may add more to this list later–>
-Why do people look around after they finish praying? I mean, right after it ends, everyone looks at each other and I am wondering if the person in front of me is trying to ask if I noticed her khoshoo in prayer or something….
-Why are there explosions in Star Wars when there is no oxygen in space? And how do you hear the laser blasts? And how do light sabers only stay a specific length? Doesn’t light go all the way until it hits an obstruction?
-Why are people late to their OWN wedding? Honestly, it is 10:00 PM and no one is on the front couch and I want to go home and finish reading Kimiya Saadat….
-How come no rescue team found the people from LOST yet?
-Why do people park on drive ways and drive on parkways?
-Why is it when something travels by ship, it is cargo and if it is by car, it is called a shipment?
-Michael Jackson.
-When was the last time I told someone what was HONESTLY on my mind?
-How can you have a CIVIL war?
-Why is there braille on a drive through ATM?
-Is there another word for synonym?
-Isn’t it scary that what doctors call what they do ‘practice’?
-If everything we see, touch, hear or do comes from neurons in our brains, then isn’t everything just a figment of our imagination?
-At a movie theatre, which arm rest is yours?
-How far east must you go before you are going west?
-If you went into space, how would you face the qiblah to pray?
-Why do people say ‘heads up’ when they mean you should duck?
-Who came up with the idea that whatever comes out of a chicken’s butt next (egg) I will cook and eat it?
-Who came up with the idea that he should drink whatever comes out of a cow? (Milk)
-(Genuine Question) In a book store or library, would the bible be placed in the fiction or non fiction section?
-Why do people repeated open their fridge for food even though they couldn’t find anything the first three times?
-Why aren’t there bullet proof pants? (You always hear vests….)
-Isn’t it a sign of intelligent life outside of earth that no one has ever tried to contact us?
-Why are Muslims kind to non Muslims and not to other Muslims?
-Why do Muslims go nuts to ask questions about marriage when half of them don’t even know how to do hajj?
-Why do guys like football? It is just a way to beat each other up legally….
-Why do Non Muslims of the opposite gender ask to hug me after I told them I cannot shake their hands? (This happened more than once)
-Why do girls go crazy to impress guys? I mean, they eat, fart, use the bathroom, burp and sleep. Who cares?
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