Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Debra Chong the prostute with big pussy & Malaysian Insider Dysfunctional Fame Whores House The Kill Team

functional Fame Whores : Debra Chong the prostute with big pussy &  Malaysian Insider Dysfunctional Fame Whores House The Kill Team GETTING READY TO TO SELL HER PUSSY

The sensationally titled “Urban renewal a time bomb for Selangor government” article by Debra Chong, The Malaysian Insider is littered with factual errors and allegations.
As coordinators of the Maju Jaya Pilot Urban Regeneration Project, Petaling Jaya, we are dismayed that Debra Chong, despite being given generous amount of information and time by the residents, architects and coordinators, chose to ignore almost everything discussed from the three hours of conversation in total spent with her during and after the launch of the project.
After reading her article, we requested for a meeting with Debra Chong, the writer. Below are our responses as well as questions to her and The Malaysian Insider.
#1.  When asked where she got the information of this “RM10 billion plan” by the Selangor Government “for vote-buying”, she could not answer with certainty. Did The Malaysian Insider conjure it up or pluck this astronomical figure from thin air? Unless factual information can be provided this allegation is slanderous.
#2. Time bomb? If there were indeed a RM10 billion, or even just a RM10 million allocation to rehabilitate low-cost housing and communities, would this not be a good policy for the Selangor Government to have? To “bail out” the poor and needy rather than the rich? Shouldpublic money not be used for the benefit of the people who need it most? In what way is it a “time bomb”?
#3.  The truth is that this urban regeneration pilot project does not even amount to RM500,000. It is a public-private initiative between MBPJ (local government) and Veritas Architects and Sususan Baru Sdn Bhd. MBPJ is only allocating a small amount whereas the private sectors are coming out with about three quarters of the total expenses through their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) allocations.
#4. This pilot project was initiated by as far back as July-August 2010. This can be verified by checking the minutes of MBPJ meetings. It has nothing to do with “vote-buying”. It was only launched in May 2011 because many legal and logistical issues had to be ironed out among all the stakeholders as well sourcing for more sponsorship.
#5. Debra Chong also claimed “physical work has yet to start”. During the launch of the project which she attended, she could see with her own eyes that the roads were newly paved and the broken public lights repaired. She was also briefed that seven loads of waste from the septic tank was pumped out. Why deny what is out there for all see?
#6.  After the meeting with her, she sent an SMS asking: “Why pick a private housing development for the pilot project instead of public housing project?” in what she claims to be a “massive rejuvenation exercise”.
Again, the truth is often more prosaic. Block C Maju Jaya Flats was listed as one of 10 low-cost flats among the 300 plus – both private and public (i.e. PKNS) — in Petaling Jaya which needed urgent attention. It was also selected because it involved only a five–storey low-rise with 60 flats. As a pilot project with no precedent in Malaysia, we had wanted to start small and not make it a “massive exercise” as the writer claims.
Many private low-cost housing have been left in disrepair by developers. Some developers have gone bust, especially in the late 1990s. Others have sold off their companies. In the case of Block C Maju Jaya, the former developer is involved in this rehabilitation initiative and will be contributing both labour as well a new community hall. For all these reasons, Block C Maju Jaya flats was selected by MBPJ to begin a pilot private-public engagement.
It is indeed sad to see a journalist who chose to ignore practically all the information and facts provided to her. We hope that Debra Chong and The Malaysian Insider will print this response in full so the public can judge for themselves; right what is wrong and retract the unfounded allegations and factual errors. And instead, engage and challenge all local governments, architects and developers in Malaysia to develop better social housing policies and developments for the future

 Debra Chong the prostute with big pussy When you wrote as pressure piles on Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim over his  sex video scandal did you watch
that doctored blue filem doctored by non then  two Bastards Sex Doctors Dr Mahathir and Dr Chua

This not a political blog. I understand that politics pervades everything, but I'm not pushing a political agenda. I'm pushing a human agenda.
As a journalist for decades, I avoided making political statements at all costs. Back then you lost your job for it. Today, it's nearly a prerequisite for employment in mainstream media.I avoid stories that make blatant political statements because they only diminish the potential impact. Improving your health, chasing your dreams and improving your community shouldn't be about politics. Of course, the current battle over  ANWAR IBRAHIM is highly politicized. My goal is to simply relay a perspective about  Dysfunctional Fame Whores from my very specific vantage point.Our that encourages people of all ages, all colors and every socioeconomic status to become all that they can by pursuing their passions, improving their well-being and helping others. Malaysia Insider  Star ,Sun Utusan NST clogged with contrived formulaic writting. Give dysfunctional fame whores national exposure and the very clear understanding that only outlandish behavior ends up on

 has dealt with numerous difficult personalities, but she may have just taken on his most challenging client yet: Satan. The Devil has just hired Joceline Tan the Prostitue to improve their image! "The Prince of Darkness has been misunderstood," claims Joceline Tan the Prostitue. "I find them  to be quite a charming and charismatic individuals with many positive qualities. And I'm not just saying that because I'm extremely well paid to say nice things about them."Levine and his staff are currently developing a sophisticated global media campaign with the goal of promoting Beelzebub's admirable strengths. "Satan is powerful, handsome, wealthy, creative, resourceful, and successful," states Levine. "He's basically Donald Trump with better hair."

Inside sources reveal that for her publicity services,Tan the Prostitue  is receiving a compensation package which includes $10 million, eternal life, and a no-holds-barred weekend with both ummi and paris hilton . "By the time I'm through with Satan's campaign,  new image will make the Pope, in comparison, seem like a sleazy, murdering pimp."

Asked why Satan is so interested in being perceived in such a positive light, Joceline Tan the Prostitue speculates,"I think they getting older, maturing, and feeling that maybe their life can have more substantial meaning beyond simply being the source of all evil." But a Catholic Church official responds, "Hogwash! Satan's up to something; I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them!"

 This one is dedicated to all those nutcases who continue to think that Tun Daim Zainuddin was a cool dude, and  honour some of the other `dudes’ like child rapist , or PENISCHIK the Ripper, or perhaps the mythological Womaniser Nazri the Raavan? OR 
ANCHOR BEER Hisapmuddin HI Well,so keep on naming schools, cafes and pool parlours after the crazy  leader. The latest `memorial’ being the UMNO Witness Protection house complete with young Malay girls for them to Fuck around them Dump the by Product at the umno staircase to fuck  Insignia like the Trademark 1 Malaysia in there.readmore http://themalay-chronicle.blogspot.com/2011/06/dysfunctional-fame-whores-debra-chong.html

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