KUALA LUMPUR: Information, Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim has refuted allegations that he raped his Indonesian maid in 2007.
“I refute the allegations, whether they are about raping any individual four years ago (2007) or any other allegation, raised by bloggers on the Internet or by any political entity,” he said in a statement on Wednesday.
He described the allegations against him in blog reports and by the Opposition as “heaps of libellous statements and awful, ugly and wicked lies”.
“I state readily that any report by anyone so far related to this matter should be investigated under the country’s laws,” he said.
Dr Rais said he and his family members were prepared to extend full cooperation in such an investigation, and would accept and comply with any outcome of the official probe.
The allegations against a senior Malaysian Cabinet minister were contained in cables made public by whistle-blowing website Wikileaks.
Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) head Badrul Hisham Shaharin, or better known as Chegu Bard said it was strange that the minister had remained quiet although it had been days since the issue was first raised.
“As far as we are concerned, he is only guilty until proven guilty. He is still an innocent party but he must come forward and say something…Malaysians would assume that he is guilty if he continues to keep quiet,” he said.
Badrul Hisham said this before lodging a report on the matter at the Seremban 2 police station here.
“He must say something because almost every blogger isl talking about it. Although he is still innocent, the manner his name is being mentioned shows that he is guilty of the crime as he has chose to remain silent,” he said.
Following the revelation by Wikileaks, Migrant Care, a non-governmental organisation which looked into the wellbeing of Indonesian workers lodged a police report claiming that the victim was allegedly raped in Feb 2007. She was then deported to Indonesia.
Badul Hisham said since the minister had made a police report against a blogger immediately after the latter claimed that there were irregularities in the awarding of contracts in his ministry, it was only proper for the minister to respond to the latest allegation promptly.
“We are worried that being a senior minister, he can be blackmailed if he does not openly deny the charge. This will eventually become a problem to national security,” he said.
He said the police should also immediately start a probe into the allegation.
“If the police remains quiet, then the people would say that ministers are a privileged lot and given special protection,” he said adding that the minister should be suspended from his official duties pending the outcome of the investigations.
Badrul Hisham said if the authorities failed to address then allegation, this could cause unnecessary tension in ties between Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta.
“We are giving the police 14 days to begin its probe into the allegation failing which we would be forced to adopt more drastic measures to compel the authorities to do so,” he said.
Meanwhile, PKR Youth said it believed the allegations concerning the rape of an Indonesian domestic helper by a Malaysian minister are true, said Youth head Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin.
“PKR Youth views such revelations seriously. The incident happened on Feb 19, 2007 but the (survivor) has been forced to keep mum as threats were made against her,” he claimed in a statement in a news portal.
He said no action had been taken against the minister for fear of regional conflict.
“The issue is being hotly debated in the cyber-world. As to the validity of the allegation, only (the minister) and God know (the truth),” he said, adding that the issue would affect ties between Malaysia and Indonesia if no action was taken.
He urged for an in-depth investigation to be conducted.
“The minister concerned should also come forward and set the record straight if there is no truth to the allegation,” he said.
He said PKR Youth would conduct a fact-finding mission to Indonesian non-govermental organisation Migrant Care who wrote the report after interviewing the victim, as well as to other Indonesian agencies.
The website also quoted Shamsul as saying that PKR Youth member, Badrul Hisham Shaharin – better known as Chegubard – planned to lodge a police report on the issue.
On Monday, Malaysiakini published a story entitled “Alleged rape victim fears minister’s reach” in which it quoted a purported letter by the victim’s younger sister who wanted justice to be done.
Here is some of the leaked messages thru Wikileaks….
Here is some of the leaked messages thru Wikileaks….
We Are Extremely Concern About The Alarming Increases In Number Of Such Rape And Physical Abuses Incidents Happened In Malaysia Two Years Ago We Failed To Advocate For An Indonesian Maid Who Was Raped By A Minister From Kedah We Wish To Express Our Gratitude Towards The Concern Of Ok Kita Tinggalkan Isu Rais Yatim Pasal Kes Rogol Amah Indon Tu Cuma Kita Nak Tunggu Samada RTM12 Dan 3 Serta Akhbar2 Pencacai Sekalian Nak Mainkan 3 Beberapa Jam Yang Lalu
Pak Lah Covered Up Ministers Rape Case According To Popular Blog Rockys Bru An International Nongovernmental Organisation Had Also Reported That The Alleged Rape Happened In Kuala Lumpur 11 Beberapa Jam Yang Lalu
How can I tell a story we already know too well? Her name was Africa. His was France. He colonized her, exploited her, silenced her, and even decades after it was supposed to have ended, still acted with a high hand in resolving her affairs in places like Côte d’Ivoire, a name she had been given because of her export products, not her own identity.
Her name was Asia. His was Europe. Her name was silence. His was power. Her name was poverty. His was wealth. Her name was Her, but what was hers? His name was His, and he presumed everything was his, including her, and he thought he could take her without asking and without consequences. It was a very old story, though its outcome had been changing a little in recent decades. And this time around the consequences are shaking a lot of foundations, all of which clearly needed shaking.
Who would ever write a fable as obvious, as heavy-handed as the story we’ve just been given? The extraordinarily powerful head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), a global organization that has created mass poverty and economic injustice, allegedly assaulted a hotel maid, an immigrant from Africa, in a hotel’s luxury suite in New York City.
Worlds have collided. In an earlier era, her word would have been worthless against his and she might not have filed charges, or the police might not have followed through and yanked Dominique Strauss-Kahn off the plane to Paris at the last moment. But she did, and they did, and now he’s in custody, and the economy of Europe has been dealt a blow, and French politics have been upended, and that nation is reeling and soul-searching.
What were they thinking, these men who decided to give him this singular position of power, despite all the stories and evidence of such viciousness? What was he thinking when he decided he could get away with it? Did he think he was in France, where apparently he did get away with it? Only now is the young woman who says he assaulted her in 2002 pressing charges – her own politician mother talked her out of it, and she worried about the impact it could have on her journalistic career (while her mother was apparently worrying more about his career).
And the Guardian reports that these stories “have added weight to claims by Piroska Nagy, a Hungarian-born economist, that the fund’s director engaged in sustained harassment when she was working at the IMF that left her feeling she had little choice but to agree to sleep with him at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2008. She alleged he persistently called and emailed on the pretext of asking questions about [her expertise,] Ghana’s economy, but then used sexual language and asked her out.”
In some accounts, the woman Strauss-Kahn is charged with assaulting in New York is from Ghana, in others a Muslim from nearby Guinea. “Ghana — Prisoner of the IMF” ran a headline in 2001 by the usually mild-mannered BBC. Its report documented the way the IMF’s policies had destroyed that rice-growing nation’s food security, opening it up to cheap imported U.S. rice, and plunging the country’s majority into dire poverty. Everything became a commodity for which you had to pay, from using a toilet to getting a bucket of water, and many could not pay. Perhaps it would be too perfect if she was a refugee from the IMF’s policies in Ghana. Guinea, on the other hand, liberated itself from the IMF management thanks to the discovery of major oil reserves, but remains a country of severe corruption and economic disparity.
Pimping for the Global North
There’s an axiom evolutionary biologists used to like: “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny,” or the development of the embryonic individual repeats that of its species’ evolution. Does the ontogeny of this alleged assault echo the phylogeny of the International Monetary Fund? After all, the organization was founded late in World War II as part of the notorious Bretton Woods conference that would impose American economic visions on the rest of the world.
The IMF was meant to be a lending institution to help countries develop, but by the 1980s it had become an organization with an ideology — free trade and free-market fundamentalism. It used its loans to gain enormous power over the economies and policies of nations throughout the global South.
However, if the IMF gained power throughout the 1990s, it began losing that power in the twenty-first century, thanks to powerful popular resistance to the economic policies it embodied and the economic collapse such policies produced. Strauss-Kahn was brought in to salvage the wreckage of an organization that, in 2008, had to sell off its gold reserves and reinvent its mission.
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