CLUB DE SEXY MINDA virtual reading club
Let’s talk about sex! I’m With Stupid:
Beauty Is in the
“I regret ever having an affair. I understand why I did it–I knew why I was doing it at the time–and I have always taken responsibility for what I was doing. I didn’t think I’d regret it, but I really do. No one knows (for sure), but some suspect. I’ve always denied & I will always deny it because I love my husband. We worked things out; our relationship is strong; we are happy. I would never want to hurt him so I pray he never finds out. I wish I could erase those months (years, actually) from my memory, my history, my life. I wish I’d never done it. I know I’ll never do it again, but it made me a different person, and I have to live with that. That’s my punishment. I regret that I still see the other man because he is a friend of my husband’s. He still flirts with me & hits on me & tries to get me to sleep with him. And I can never tell my husband because I’d have to admit what happened, and I can’t do that to him. Like I said, I did this, I live with this, it’s my punishment. But for the rest of my life, I’ll regret it.” -Female, 40s
We are a country of 1.2 billion people that don’t want to discuss the very act that put us on the planet. Let’s face it – our first and biggest sexproblem is that the very word itself, “SEX”, makes us uncomfortable! We are averse to it in advertising, in films, as living room chatter, as a subject for education in school; we certainly don’t want to acknowledge our parents ever had sex, or that our kids will have to, in order to produce the grandchildren we crave. Our resistance to discussing sexual issues and educating ourselves, our children and others on sex related matters, leads to unsatisfied sex lives, unwanted pregnancies, overpopulation, sexually transmitted diseases, and the spread of HIV/Aids. We are the ostrich that buries its head in the misplaced sands of “morality and culture”.

CLUB DE SEXY MINDA virtual reading club
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